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SO I go out to change my oil and my hood wont open... the cable is still connected to the handle, but the thing jsut ownt open. I jsut bought some hood pins so i can remove the cable but that requires me to get my hood open first!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any suggestions or methods of help to open it, plz help...




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there have been solutions posted for this, something to do with releasing the catches from under the car, try searching on the forum for "stuck bonnet"




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I had to do this sum time back. Basically jack the car up, Reach up and find the cable close to the catch. Pulling on the cable should open your bonnet. My problem started when I had my eyebrow spoiler fitted. The problem lies with the rubber protection on the lip of the bonnet. To get around the problem you have to cut either ends of the rubber strip off. Hope that has been of sum help to you mate.

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Well, the problem is im not sure where the cable disconnected...its still on the handle so it must have disconected up top....can you tell me in more detail where to look.... its somewhere above the intercooler i would imagen....but not 100% sure...maybe removing the left front wheel? does it run thorugh there?


hope you can help me




and i didnt find the stuck bonnet thread on the forum...

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ok so ive tried everything and i now know the cable is broke as it is sitting next to me....so the question arises how do i open it with a broken and none existant cable???






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I just bought one and it turns out to have the same problem. When i went for the test drive the bonnet was already up (con job there eh?) when i arrived, ill get in touch with the mechanic and see how he did it. Get back to you asap!!

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get some big pilers and pull the wire from under the dash, if this doesn't work, and you can't get to the cable from under the.( i don't thinks its posible with out go go gadget arms) then i'm afraid, brake the grill then manually pull the wire. i had to do this after mine snapped. it sucks but .. :cry:

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Wonderful. My lever just went limp when I tried to pull mine the other day. Looks like I have my work cut out for me. Not only for getting the hood open but also replacing my rear main seal once I finally get it open.

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well thats not my problem at all...i tried pulling it through..it had snapped up front near the hood release, i alreayd got my grille off since i bought a better one anyway, but when i went to pull the cable it was gone it snapped somewhere above the radaotor near the release....best i can guess, i need to know how to get it open without the use of the cable....thanks again



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had a prob with mine, attached cable but routed it wrongly!!


There is a metal loop whish operates the spring release ,which the cable pulls from passenger to drivers side of the car (looking at the front), by way of a plug type thing!


If you can strap a bit of wire through or around it, and give it a yank, it should release the spring catch. you might have to find someone eho has thin arms, as there isn't much room to play with. (took me best part of an hour to figure it




Not the best sketch piccy, but its too dark for photo!


This is as if you look down vertically from the front of the car..


*PS, I have left the cable attached, so if the worst happens, I havea backup.. hehe :lol: *

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Easiest way is as posted above by G60speed. If you are really struggling with the lack of space, then consider taking the bumper off as it will make access easier (at least it did on my 16v, with no charger in the way)

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Thankyou G60speed, is that pic as though you were looking at the grille ? Or is that runing down the side of the hood...see my problem is there is no cable in the car anymore, it snaped, i pulled it through, but ill give this a shot to see what you mean, if you ever get around to taking a picture of the actual part please post them, thanks



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Its a Birds eye view looking straight down you need to put your arm in through the grill to the right and upwards, It is REALLY fiddly , but with patience, you should be able to find the sprin clip, just follow though where the cable should be..


I'll take a photo tonight and post it up for you

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  Scruffythefirst said:
I had exactly the same problem on a sierra today. You won't like my solution though......


Got the forklift to prize it open.... :evil: :shock:


PMSL!! :lol:

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Hey I just spent the better part of an hour trying to catch that damn release....thres no way you can get to it with your hand the radiator support is in the way....i took the broken cable an tried hooking the spring with no luk... ran it right up next to the hood (directly undernearth the waether striping part) over to the side of the car where the hood meets the side fender and pulled it up and then front.... am i not in the right location? Is the release lower? I'll try taking some pictures tomorrow i guess to show you what im doing.... I'm guessing im missing the latch all together...because im not exactly sure where it is and what it is...kindalike trying to find a neddle in a haystack....maybe a bit more detail then jsut hook the latch would help me, thanks again

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Anyone got a clue I'm really up the creek without a paddle PLEASE HELP lol even if its jsut a picture of where the release is/lookslike/ and is mounted



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