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Blasted alarm :-(

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My 8 year old Storm battery gave up the ghost the other day and after disconnecting to charge up the battery overnight to see if it would do any good, I found that my alarm now comes on when I try to start the engine. It's a VW Logic 900 (dealer fitted) (which may or may not be the same as a Clifford Arrow 2 as I seem to have papers relating to both which I think came with the car, bought 2nd hand).


It's been suggested that I remove the 5amp fuse for a while so that the alarm resets, but I can't even find the fuse!


Any suggestions gratefully welcomed, as the alternative seems to be nearly £100 to get the alarm people to sort it out.





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I've got a Logic900. Get it jump started to make sure it is the battery that's causing the problems and not something else. I had similar problems 2 weeks ago :wink:

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Sounds like the battery has died. Think you need a new one.


The alarm coming on when you try and start the car is usually a classic sign of this.

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