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3 Bar Grille - VR6

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Maybe a silly question, my 95 VR has a body coloured 3 bar grille, but it has no gaps between the bars - so it would appear there's no way for air to get through. Is this right?? Please feel free to laugh at me if this is a dumb question :roll:

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notecied that on saturday myself. Air intake to the bottom left is not much kop when you hit a pool of water at 60!

Colour coded 3 slat grills were a hall mark of the storm. not sure of all late 95 vr's was the same?

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Maybe a silly question, my 95 VR has a body coloured 3 bar grille, but it has no gaps between the bars - so it would appear there's no way for air to get through. Is this right?? Please feel free to laugh at me if this is a dumb question :roll:


I've noticed this a few times actually and i'm not sure why it is. Both of the Corrado's i've owned have had the later style grille with gaps between the bars - I assumed this was the norm but then people began to point out a few VR6's at various meets with no gaps between the bars. Seems like there is a fair old mix out there.


If you cut the surplus plastic out between the grilles surely its going to help improve airflow and help reduce temperatures a bit?

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I've had the 'closed' grill on two of my C's- changed them both times to help the airflow. Don't think it makes too much difference, but it must help a bit.

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Hmmm - I need a new grille anyway so will probably get a non-closed one. I'm thinking a black one might look nicer than body colour anyway ??? Thoughts on this??


Anyway - thing is - the car never seems to get too hot anyway - max I've seen on the oil temp is 108 - and that was after a caning on a hot day.

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Get one from GPC- the last one I got was £23! Bargain. Bung it on unpainted- you can always take it off and paint it if you don't like the stock look. The old grille will come in handy if you decide to paint the new one :wink:

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