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Cross drilled brake discs

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Hmm so your upgrading your brakes so they feel better around town? :? (I'm assuming you missed a don't from the end of your post?)


Yeah I did miss out the 'don't', LOL! No the primary reason for upgrading is not just for improved pedal feel around town, but improved braking full stop. I can get the Standard VR ones to fade during normal road use and they require too much pressure at lower speeds get any feel out of them. I've used modern cars and become accustomed to their sharper brakes in a short time frame, and then got back in the VR and over shot a junction because they are so poor at low speeds. If you're happy with that, as I say, fine, each to our own.


Why are G60 brakes better than VR ones?


Dunno, they just feel sharper and stronger. Less weight over the front wheels too.


And does anyway actually push the clutch in when they brake!!?


I do sometimes....but obviously not from high speeds. Using engine braking at urban speeds if the engine isn't liable to cutout (as VR's often do) is fine, otherwise I have to dip the clutch early to stop the engine cutting out....and yes I have been trying to sort that for 2 years. This is not a thread about criticising people's driving.


As I said yes I am happy with mine bar the pedal movement, and yes, each to their own, but I really do feel it's primarily a cosmetic/'ooo look at my cool big brakes' conversion ;)


This is the first time I've ever heard of uograding brakes - agruably the most important part of the car - being dismissed so flippantly. I hardly consider upgrading from 280 to 288 a cosmetic upgrade :roll: They are superior brakes to the standard ones, period.

Brembos are pretty yeah, but damned effective, the best brakes in the world in fact.


Do you do lots of trackdays Kevhaywire? I can see it might be worth it if you do....


Nope, and why do I need that as the sole reason for uprating them?


I can see where this is going, so you keep your standard brakes and we'll keep our uprated ones :D

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engine braking lol - produce extra wear on components that cost £100s to replace to save £20 brake pads ;)


But stop quicker and in a more controlled manor. I doubt it produces much extra wear compared to downshifting at high RPM anyway ;)

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kevhaywire, fair enough, just trying to understand mate. I really honestly believe the standard brakes are adequate for 99% of people is all, I don't know how you manage to get them to fade so much :shock: But I'm not criticising anyones driving here, sorry if it sounded like that. :wink:


Your cash, your car, you spend your money how you want, not trying to tell you otherwise. Free country and all that :D

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Don't get me wrong, they don't fade regularly......just on the odd occasion where I've come off a motorway onto a downhill slip road at 90+ and the brakes just faded big time approaching the junction at the bottom! Yeah my fault for driving too fast, but I like over engineered brakes to cope with ALL eventualities, not merely *adequate* ones. And yeah, the VR ones are plenty good enough for most folks but they're not all things to all men unfortunately :wink:


I've just never felt the VR brakes were up to much. Even my Ex missus' Ford Ka had sharper brakes......but they faded at like 50mph though, LOL!

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engine braking lol - produce extra wear on components that cost £100s to replace to save £20 brake pads


Rubbish, your saying that you do damage when you lift off the throttle (which is all engine braking is). Its a lot more gentle on drivetrain components than full throttle use, yeah if you downchange to 7krpm and dont use the brakes at all then you might increase the wear....


I suppose you dip the clutch when you lift off the throttle?


No-ones mentioned the downside of huge discs and massive calipers yet and thats weight. Discs are bloody heavey and in the worst place you could possible think of for adding weight - rotating unsprung mass (mind you, big heavy wheels seem to be in fasion too)

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toungue in cheek remark - some people believe changing to 2nd at 60mph to brake is a good thing - really, these people exist ;)


as for weight the 4pot bremobs on my fiat coupe weighed next to nothing.

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It's the cast iron discs that are heavy, and the relationship between radius and volume is squared (treating the discs as a cylinder, Pi*R^2*depth), so it doesn't take much of an increase in size for a large increase in mass.

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Yeah drill 'em, they'll easily be as light then :lol:


Would be interesting for someone to weigh a standard caliper + disc, and a brembo caliper + disc......so who fancies taking their car apart in the name of science? :lol

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I can certainly compare weights between the VR6 288 and 280 setups :lol:


The 288 discs are are HEAVY and the pads are enormous, LOL!


Agreed with Scruffythefirst, unsprung mass needs to be kept to a minimum but if you've got light wheels, light calipers, stiffer springs and adjustable dampers you should be able to get them all working in harmony with eachother. It's sticking 17s, 312 discs and huge calipers on STANDARD suspension that is the problem.

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Yeah drill 'em, they'll easily be as light then :lol:


Would be interesting for someone to weigh a standard caliper + disc, and a brembo caliper + disc......so who fancies taking their car apart in the name of science? :lol


Will be doing a conversion in the next month or so....so will let you know the difference between the 256mm disc + calipers anyway :wink: :wink:

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yup, I'll also be doing a swap from J-DUB over to my new Corrado (when I get one!) so I'll weigh 'em then... 8)

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Nice one lads, look forward to seeing the figures 8)


*shameless plug* Now all of you should sign up for the Oulton trackday on the 12th Feb :lol:

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had these on my last car so i can say yes to big brakes as they were fantastic ,spec was 365mm and full floating discs with 8 pot brembos ,but i am not convinced the vr brakes are that bad but i will be upgrading then for performance and cosmetic reasons and due to a little track time ,

just not sure what to go for so any advice would be good

all i will mention is i run 16" azev a and i am not looking to replace them or fit spacers so they have to fit in them

cheers for any help

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