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Wheels Help - ET on wheel for a 16v 2.0 should be?

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Well I've discovered recently that offset is critical for a decent ride. My 8x17 RHs come with 25mm adapters, giving an ET of 35. That's too much for a VR. I bought some 20mm adapters to push the ET into 40 (only 3 off standard) and I cannot believe the difference reducing the ET by 5mm on each corner has made! It's a totally different car and despite being 8x17 with 215 section rubber, it drives as stock....better in fact.... so it's not necessarily the 7x17 that's your problem, it's more like to be down to suspension choice and offset.


For a decent ride and handling, you want the offset as deep as physically possible (tucked well into the archs). Get the wheels too far out and it wander all over the road.

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