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GT136 Alarm Help

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I need to find out the make and model of my alarm that is fitted to my Rado, what is the quickest and cheapest way of doing this.


I aint a car expert so any info appreciated......sorry if its a daft question :D



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post up a pic of the alarm fob... someone here will probably be able to tell you the make from that... 8)

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pictures below of my alarm key fob, sorry the quality is a bit naff, taken of my mobile phone :roll:


the two buttons have a symbol, one is an arrow (i dont know what this does !!!). The other is an A with radar type lines which enables/disables alarm and immob.


Any info on make and model would be appreciated.






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That may be a generic 'learning' keyfob that is just a clone of the original...


May be worth dropping the lower dash shelves and having a look behind the centre console as that is the most likely place for the main alarm box / ECU to be located.

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thanks guys will do the above when i get chance


will hopefully be posting some pictures over the next few days once I get her polished!

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cheers for the all help, I found the code GT 136 - which according to Adrian Flux is CAT 1. The only downer is that I had to pay someone to get an official certificate written up, be worth it at re-sale (I'm trying to convince myself!)


Thanks again, will hopefully post some piccies soon



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I need help with my alarm........


Unlocked the car to leave for work. When I locked the car in work, after about 5 secs the alarm sounded. Repeated process approx 5 times. Got pissed off and used the central locking (immob still working).


Replaced battery on Sunday, as old battery knackered (I hope) - thought the alarm may be being effected by old battery with low voltage. Still doesnt work.


Does it need resetting? How can I do this?

Could it be a dodgy sensor, where are they and how can I test?


Please help, going on holiday on Thurs and need peace of mind that my car is full alarmed on chav proof!





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thinking could also be fuse related..............everything else seems to be OK tho - anyone know the fuse number which could be knacked?


is there are fuse in the fuse box which could be causing the problem or is there one in the alarm housing?

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OK my car is now FUBAR! :(


Checked the wires to the sensor tonight, seemed like everything OK had a rummage around the back of the dashboard for loose connections again OK.


Went to start the car up. The immob won't cancel from the key fob, it worked 3 hrs ago. Have I set off the tamper switch.


I NEED this car to move as I am going on holiday on Thursday




I need to see a manual or info on resetting the sodding thing. Or to be told what I need to do.


Going to have another go at it with a torch.




P.S. Also broke my gear knob surround, long story, much swearing!

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Try disconnecting and re-connecting the car battery first. That will probably reinstate the operation of the remote. The most likely reason it sounds as soon as you set it, is a bad door, bonnet or boot switch.


My favourite would be the bonnet. Find the switch and disconnect it. set the alarm. If it still sounds check the boot light is out.


The status LED should tell you what the trigger is. I am sure that I have some old instructions in the garage if you need to know what the flashing means.



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checked the boot light - goes out when I close the boot lid.


The status LED has gone out so I can't see what is blinking.............to be honest I didnt realise you could read what it was saying :oops:


Will try disconnecting the battery in the morning.


I have a immob reset key I think, where does this need to be plugged in to manually reset the immob? (atleast thats what I think this is)


Gavin, any help would be appreciated.



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There should be a socket for the touch key. I often fit them in the glovebox but yours could be anywhere?


When you swich off the alarm after it is triggered the LED flashes and then stays off briefly. The number of flashes relates to the trigger.


If the status light is out the car should start. Flashing means the immobiliser is set.


I think doing the battery will help you. You might need to recode your transmitters to the alarm. You can do that by flicking the switches on the black box.


If you can't wait for me to find some instructions, try 01257 249928 electro systems.



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Mwuhahaha! Sorted it.........


Woke up at 5.30 this morning, it was still dark! Got outta bed at 6.20, disconnected then reconnected the battery tried the turning over the engine, nothing. I repeated this several times, no avail.


Decided that this wasnt going to work and tried a different approach. I found my immob reset button in the glovebox, it had fallen back through on its self into the dash. Tried the engine again, still nothing GRRRR!


Next step was to understand why the fobs weren't talking to the the alarm, checked the wiring again, no joy. But I found the switches Gavin mentioned on the alarm housing, there were only two. Therefore, I decided to try the combinations until the fobs worked.


Luckily, the first combination I tried worked and a press on the alarm fob locked the car AND the alarm didn't sound - disconnecting the battery must have reset the fault code.


I must have knocked one of these switches whilst I was rummaging last night causing the fobs to not work! What a plonker!


Anyhew all is well now, enjoyed a hearty drive in this morning.


Big Thanks to Gavin for your help!





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No worries mate. I'll find those instructions anyway. I was sure there are more than 2 switches cos they also control the length of the locking pulse.


I'll scan and email them to you or summat.



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