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Banana Man

Thieving scumbags need some help!!

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Went down Brighton to play a few games of pool while I was there I had my jacket nicked from where we were playing, it had all my keys in it so basically I was stranded, called the police and all that sh*t and then phoned home for my spare set but I haven't got a spare ignition key,my dad brought down the spare cliffor key fob and managed to start the car but the only problem was the steering lock so called the RAC they said they would send someone over to sort that out waited over an hour for the guy to turn up and he said that he wasn't allowed to break the steering lock and basically wouldn't tell me how to do it.So I ve had to leave the car there for the night which I'm not too happy about. What I need is a little advice on how to break the steering lock so I can get the car home and worry about what I need to replace when I get it home does anyone know how to break it without damaging the steering column?

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turn the steering wheel REALLY hard is how ive done it before. you usually have to pull down on it to get enough leverage on it. good luck tho, what a sheite thing to happen

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if i where you i would get a lock smith out to it or try some other way of removing the barrel. it is possible to wreck the whole column by just forcing it

a local locksmith charged 40 quid to get into a mates polo make a new ignition key and supply him with 3 spares, and he didnt need the original key.

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Shite is not the word :roll: , I tried the sharp pull and gave it everything I had but it wouldn't budge and now the steering lock is on, there really isn't any leverage to attack it with!!! I'm now thinking my large hitting stick and bashing the cunt off!!

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Yeah steve took the rotor cap and king lead off of it and also disconnected the starter switch so not really worried about someone stealing it just more worried about people nabbing bits off of it!!! I ve taken the whole lock mechanism off of my golf gti now and the part numbers for the surround are the same apart from the prefix at the start but it all looks the same, so I'm going to drill down the center of the barrel now and try and release the spring that holds the lock pin in place, and if that dont work my mate has a power inverter in his car so we can use an angle grinder and grind off the ignition surround and bolt in the golf one so I can at least get the car home. Just hoping it all goes according to plan!!! Fingers crossed

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Heres a pic of the lock pin, I cant see how anyone could break that just by turning the steering wheel without bending the whole column as well it's fecking massive, it's not like the old minis that had a stupid little pin in them!!! :roll:

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Werhay got the car home thanks to my friend ' Big hitting stick' and 20 mins of beating the sh@t out of it :D .


Now all I need is a new ignition surround and a barrel with adjustable rake and it will be back to normal again

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glad to hear you sorted it. I used to live in Brighton for 3 years and it may seem like a nice place but it is full of pikeys and thieveing tramps. I just changed over two HT leads to the dizzy cap- it won't start and they will never work it out!

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I ve got to find out the price of the replacement ignition surround with adjustable rake and replace the ignition barrel which aint gonna be cheap I know the ignition barrel with keys cost something like £40 and then the ignition surround which will be £100+ I reckon looking at the complexity of it but we'll have to see. There was cctv in the place but the likely hood of the police taking the trouble to find the person who done would be a million to one as to them it's only a jacket and a set of keys!!

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I had to get a new ignition barrell for my Uno after some jippo hot wired it with a screw driver! lol. it was £40 so I would of thought it would of been more on a C but maybe not. I remember thinking- boy if I caught him, the moron left his bus pass in the car! he was only 15! despite this conclusive evidience, do you think the police did anything? course they didn't!

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I went to DeMontfort Uni which had campuses in Milton Keynes and Bedford (among others). My mates astra GTE (which I bought in the end) got nicked from our campus 3 times and turned up at or near the Bedford campus every time! Never did find out who kept nicking it! hot wired every time, in the end he got rid of the ignition barrel all together and just put in an on/off switch and push button starter. At least they stopped hot wiring it!

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