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Almsot Final T-Shirt Designs Page 4! - updated 01/20/05

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I can’t do anything that is copyrighted by vw. I would rather do something completely original and not have to worry about being sued. I have heard stories of people getting screwed by VW for selling stuff with their name and logos etc. before. I would rather avoid that route.


Later today I should have some samples of the text that is going to be on the back of the shirt. I will give you guys a few choices for text and see what you guys like best.

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Really like the new outline, but still think it would be much better with the font from the first page.


For the back just a small and simple www. corrado-forum.net at the bottom would be really 8)

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***A new addition to the shirt***: it is going to have a http://www.corrado-forum.net logo on the sleeve of the shirt. This should take care of you guys wanting people to know it’s a Corrado shirt. The Corrado Forum is graciously letting me sell the shirts from their website (unlike the vortex), so I am more than happy to plug you guys into the shirt.


As for the text on the back I still haven’t decided on which text I am going to be going with. The shirts should be up for sale within the next week or so (that’s the plan anyways). But yeah, so stay posted, I am going to be posting a final post on how the shirts are going to be printed soon enough.

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Hm... What do the rest of you valver guys think? It does through off the suit I had going with the model name instead of nick names for it. But if you guys want it that way I can fix it up.

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sry mate but u'll never please everyone all of the time :)


just make me a few of VR Six Driven, with high maintence on the back, and of course the Corrado forum logo on the side and I'm a happy camper :)


but would prefer VR6 text too, sry!

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I know guys im sorry... Volkswagen Of America is pretty tight about things I am told. I would rather just avoid any issues and keep a totally original design.


I am doing the best I can with what I have to work with.

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Oh, for payments when I am ready to start selling them I am just going to accept payments through PayPal. It’s the best way to transfer money I have found. So prepare accordingly mates. =]

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Here's a really stupid question.. but in the US they didn't sell a VR6..it was an SLC... so how can VW USA have a problem with VR6?


Sorry dude.. I know I'm just being a pain now.. ;)

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lol its ok.


Yeah technically we got the SLC. It was a dumbed down version of the VR6 you guys got. But everyone here is in denial. It’s a SLC where I'm from...lol

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I like the 1st and 3rd text samples, how bout doin the text on the front in one of those styles? that would look good prob 3rd style not 1st 8)

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Power or Powered, I like that better than Driven.

Also I think any of the other fonts look better than the one shown.

2p worth

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