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Any idea how much this bill will come to?

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Just trying to roughly budget for the month and have ended up booking myself in for a lump of work @ Stealth racing AND had to pay the deposit for the insurance today as well.. gonna be a tight month.


Job list is :


* New insert for my VT front mount, and inspect rears in case they need replacement.

* New cam and aux belts (not sure when last done so)

* Oil and filter (whilst its in)

* Fit new safe crank bolt!

* Realign gearshift - think screwed front mount has messed it up good


Estimated labour is half a day so I was hoping / thinking around the £300-£400 mark? Obviously I don't like to ask Vince on the phone directly.. like as a Corrado owner it seems almost wrong to ask what this kinda stuff is gonna cost ;)


Then its supercharger time when my bank account has recovered..

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Dont know on the total cost, but have you considered a solid front engine mount? Would likely cost about the same as a VT insert.

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Dont know on the total cost, but have you considered a solid front engine mount? Would likely cost about the same as a VT insert.


I'm kinda wanting to stay with the stuff i've already got - I mean, seriously are there any benefits over a solid front mount compared to a VT?

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Well my VT front mount was only fitted about 3 or so years ago.. not a terribly impressive life span really :( Not sure on the cost of an insert though..

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Had the bonnet open at a VW meet and asked Tempest and another fellow from another forum to cast an opinion on whether my front engine mount was screwed - hand brake on and tried to move the car and they both immediately said there was WAY too much play.


I'm getting symptoms like totally crap gear change despite having it all aligned and sorted at a major service 4 months ago, a very distinct jolt when coming on and off the power, a lot of vibration in the cabin from the engine, and other such things.. general consensus was that it was definately engine mount that was gone.

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Hm - that'd be nice if it was as low as that. Fingers crossed then.. car is amusingly booked in for the work on valentines day!

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Why wouldn't you ask Vince? Don't see the harm in asking,after all, it is your money......


just what i was gonna say, i always ask how much roughly any work will be,

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