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gas leak on SLC/blinking CEL

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I got bad gas this summer and had all the electrical stuff cleaned and put in a new distrubtor since the Hal sensor gave out. Runs amazingly smooth!


Since then I have been smelling gas on startup, just a little and then seems to go away -- been meaning to check it out ....


Now, in the cold weather and I use the heater, I realize that its always giving this smell -- the heater just pumps it in.


It sounds like there is a pin hole leak in teh fuel line to the injectors -- if anybody can confirm this, is there an upgrade I should know about?



The CEL went on -- kinda flickering, ie. not a full costant glow and the pulse varies with the engine speed -- no performance issues though. I had the codes checked out twice at Renner Motorsports here in LA -- no codes recorded.


Now, this morning the battery was dead -- left the radio on overnight accidently (although this never was an issue before the CEL was blinking).


Got it jump started and its fine again.


Looking for solutions:)

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Try chasing the fuel line back from the rail !!

I had the same , last year :roll:

It turned out to be inferior oe clip's , were the rubber fuel line meet's the plastic line's (The one's that filter down the chassis)

Take these off and bin them , get some good quality jubilee clip's



Hope this help's :)

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yup, with Slot here... the main fuel feed and fuel return lines are rubber when they get to the engine (so that they can flex).... These rot with age and crack. The clips that hold them also de-tension with age so they don't hold the rubber pipe on at the ends as tightly as they should anymore allowing fuel to leak past the joint... Replace the rubber fuel hoses in your engine bay and use jubilee clips at each end and your fuel leaks should go... 8)

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same as mine, about 8 weeks ago

always had a fuelly smell on startup, that just got worse.

where the 2 pipes meet the rail, the clips were so slack i could slide them back by hand. needless to say the leak was there.


if the pipes are ok, just put new clips on. get the smooth type of hose clip (pipe clip - not jubilee).


only cost a few cents from an auto spares shop

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Great recommendations on the fuel lines, thanks -- is this something I can do myself easily and are the rubber main fuel feed and fuel return lines something I need from VW?


Also, the car's battery didn't make it over night again -- this time I made sure the radio was off....

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yeah, they're easy to get at and easy to swap over... just make sure you're not smoking, the engine's cold and the battery isn't connected when you do change 'em so you don't end up as a fireball.... :onfire: :lol:

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i'd buy them from vw. they are kinda molded into a shape (i think)

but maybe you could make some? see how much they are new first though.


just try the pipe clips first.


and yes observe all fire safety rules!!!!!

keep a brace of rags handy too to mop up your mess

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When I got the jump start this mornig I could see the fuel leaking at the injector rails and had the rubber lines replaced immediately. Thanks.


At the time of the jump my radio came on and spit out the CD (it was turned off) -- the shop said the battery was old but holding charge. It was a little low on fluids, so they topped it off.


Any ideas on the CEL/dead battery situation? Is the radio cominng on a clue??

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