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factory fitted immobilisers

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Does anyone know what immobiliser would have come factory fitted in a 1991 16v?


Mine has a square key fob that i rub near the ignition, is this an original or fitted after??

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Sounds like an after market system based on my (albeit limited) experience. Who's it manufactured by though?

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I have no idea, it came with the car when I bought it, I assumed it was factory fitted but obviously not.


I took my car to the local vw garage for a new ignition barrel and now my immobiliser doesn't work and they are saying that it isn't their faut cos it isn't a factory fitted one and they don't know how it works.

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I had similar problem with mine. There is an aftermarket immobiliser fitted to mine, and after my local VW dealer fitted a new steering column lock, the immobiliser didn't want to disarm. They told me I needed a new immobiliser but it turned out there was a sort of loop of wire for the immob. that should have been placed round the ignition barrel and taped to the inside of the plastic steering column housing so that it is as close to the plastic cover as possible, so that it gets the best reception from the keyfob, but this hadn't been re-taped to the housing, thus resulting in great difficulty getting reception for the immob. to disarm. Upon opening up the housing and re-taping the loop of wire, I've had no problems since.

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The garage said my immobiliser was faulty but it worked perfectly fine before it went in to their garage and after they couldn't get it to disarm so they bypassed it by just cutting some wires back and tying them together. Since they will not do anything more because they are adamant that it is not their doing I have just had a friend take it out completely so now it is not immobilised and technically my insurance is invalid and I'm v. angry with vw and will not take my car back there! I'm now going to get an alarm.

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It really does sound very similar to the situation I had with mine. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the immob. when I took it into the main dealer. Luckily for me, if you fiddled long enough the immob. would de-activate. The dealer even advised me where to purchase a new one from! So I went along, and it was them that suggested that vw probably hadn't put it back together properly which they hadn't. Then after taking the steering column housing apart myself and fixing the problem I went back to the dealer to blame them and they were a bit red-faced and apologetic and gave me back 10% on the work I'd just had done with them.


I don't user the main dealer anymore, as this wasn't the only issue that I encountered after having work done by them.

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I was completely stonewalled by them, they will not take any responsibility. They have said they will look at it but at how much more cost to me?? They already charged me £122 labour to fit new ignition barrel.

I have written a v. nasty letter to volkswagen uk about it.

I have heard many stories about dealership cock-ups and I will never go to another one again!!

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