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where to get wheel referb, ?

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we've got spit and polish down this way( in kent) an i need to get my bbs rc 17" referbed, and they said they cant, i'm screwed. any body got any ideas, i'm se london, :?:

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Heh, just put a post in the Suppliers forum about this - there's a company called Wicked Wheels ( http://www.wickedwheels.com ) that does mobile refurbing but they also have a few drive-in centres - there's one in Guildford and I'm going there tomorrow so will report back!

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Well, Guildford place is only open Saturdays "by appointment" - but I did speak to the guy there who said that powder coat, a diamond-cut rim, and lacquering would be about £55+VAT per wheel, so I think I'll give BJV Engineering ( http://www.wheelrefurbishing.co.uk ) a go as they're £38+VAT per wheel for the same service...


Will report back on quality once I've got it done!

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