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spoiler........................... again

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Spoiler only works on the switch.


A) no stereo in the car, so its not the blue/white wire

B) I have metered out the wires, so pretty sure there are no broken 1's

C) Fitted a new speed sensor on the gearbox

D) Bought a 2nd hand spoiler controller from someone on the forum

E) Fuses are all ok


Anyone got any ideas? I think the controller is probably the weak link, but not sure if there any relays I should be checking



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ok, cheers for the replies. Anyone got any ideas how I can test it? I.e. should I be getting voltage on the blue/white wire? I'm assuming that's the 1 that opens and closes the relay for the spoiler?

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Bobbywhacker, Just a thought - will the rear spoiler switch allow you to lower the spoiler in excess of maybe 60mph ?


If it won't then I would say that the speed sensor & circuitry is working okay. If it will, then your fault lies either with the speed sensor, wiring to/from it or with the spoiler control unit.

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its completely manually.. will only ever do anything on the switch.. I will try n lower it then at 60 n see what happens.. seems to me the controller must be the prob tho.

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alright guys,sorry to bring this up again but seems i have a problem too...


the spoiler works fine on the switch,up and down.


yet its intermittent automatically.


if i wind it up through 2nd and 3rd it comes up at around 45mph :?


then goes down at around 10mph.


but when im just pottering about up through the gears,nothing happens,it dosnt come up at all! :?


any ideas?



sorry for jumping all over your thread,Bobbywhacker.

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riley, check the earth point in the boot... it may be that your number plate lights are earthing back through the spoiler and stopping it working... Check to see if they work at all and then operate the spoiler to see if anything else happens with 'em... ;)

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look for where all the brown wires in the boot lid go... that's the earth point for the boot lid! ;) 8)

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cheers m8,ill be looking tommorow for definate,watched my embarrasing local footy team on bb1 today :oops:


its only the speed that operates the spoiler aint it?

rpm or nothing comes into it?


neil. :D

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good luck m8 8)


mines still not right,checked the earths and there all fine,and the no. plate lights work too. :?



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Right, the spoiler controller arrived, put it on and guess what??? No change, still only works on manual!!!


I'm thinking its to do with the instrument cluster, as that has to send a signal to the spoiler controller.. can anyone confirm that as a possible fault

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Is the "new" spoiler controller definitely a good one ?


Here's what I would do - remove the plastic covering inside the tailgate, sit somebody in the boot area with a multimeter/circuit tester, go for a drive down the road. Check the relevant wire/s for curent at speeds in excess of 60mph.


This will tell you if you have a problem with the spoiler unit in the tailgate or in the wiring before the power gets there.


Some spoilers raise at different speeds - this is denoted by a resistor fitted somewhere in the electrical system, possibly inside the spoiler controller. Different resistor values raise the spoiler at different road speeds. For example - European spec Corrado spoilers raise at approx 80mph. Some UK spec Corrados also arrived with 80mph spoilers - the VW dealers in this country should have changed the resistor to one that enabled the spoiler to raise at 45mph before the cars were sold. AFAIK - this was a VW recall.

If yours has a badly soldered resistor or dry joint - this may be the problem.

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Its my 3rd spoiler, all 2nd hand admittedly, but all bought from the forum, I'd trust people not to sell me a duff 1.


Don't think too many of mates are gonna volunteer to hop in the back of the car really so that idea's out of the window.


I'm right in thinking the speed sensor (also replaced brand new) goes into the instrument cluster, the signal is used for the speedo and then passed down to the spoiler controller??

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I'm right in thinking the speed sensor (also replaced brand new) goes into the instrument cluster, the signal is used for the speedo and then passed down to the spoiler controller??
I'm not totally sure !


According to the wiring diagrams on the previous page - it looks as though the speed activated signal also passes through the manual switch. Could it be a faulty switch ? Try bypassing the relevant terminals on the back of the switch & see if this works.


As the signal is only present above the speeds quoted, you may have difficulty solving this problem at all while the car is stationary.

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Looking at the mitchell manual, it seems to me all the blue/white wires (stereo, spoiler controller, cruise control) join in a junction box and then go off to the instruments.


The switch is a possibility I suppose.


Did try testing the controller using a multimeter and me dad checking the settings from the passenger seat.... the thing is I'm not actually sure what I'm looking for!! Does the speed activation wire provide voltage or a measured resistance drop??

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