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Thermostat gone t**s up....or has it??

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I replaced my thermostat as a matter of course when i changed my thermo housing about a week or so ago and since then when im stationary and the car is warming up from cold it does it fine...but when im driving the temperature never goes above 75-80 even when its warmed up..and will take a while to show a temp of anything above 80-85


I replaced the stat with one from GSF one that opens at 80...now ive read loadsa post on here and im sure it is the stat thats faulty if so can i get a replacement f.o.c from GSF or could it be that one of the sensors is playing up.


p.s ive done the lower pipe "is it as warm as the top pipe test" and that was about as useful as a chocolate kettle.

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"really low"? you mean 75-80? Well it should be 80. The fact that it drops slightly down from there is probably calibration of the gauge more than anything.

Presumably, if you sit in traffic stationary it climbs above 80, ultimately hitting 100 then sitting round about there for a while, with the fans coming on/off?

If so, it all sounds completely normal!!

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on motorway when warmed up 70-75, sitting in traffic does climb to bout 80ish then heavy traffic will eventually climb to 100 and fan does come on


well thats put my mind at rest then, no need to go and have a word with GSF.

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Hmmm "on motorway when warmed up 70-75", is a shade on the low side. 75-85 all day long, yeah, but I'm surprised to see 70 anytime other than before it's warm.

One effect to bear in mind though, is when the thermostat opens for the first time, it pumps in a bunch of near-freezing water, which circulates round the engine before reaching the thermostat. The net effect is that on the first opening of the 'stat in the morning, the temp can drop BELOW 80. Once all the water has been round the loop a couple of times it should stay pretty firmly at 80 or thereabouts.

That said, if your 'stat was sticking open, I'd expect it to take a long time to warm up in the morning.

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i think ill keep an eye on it for a couple more days then consider getting new 'stat i may as well get some new sensors whilst im at it at least then i can rule those out as a possible cause as well.

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Ignore the numbers on the water temp gauge... the calibration of 'em is utter pants! :| If you want it to work a little better, you should probably change the gauge's water temp sensor...

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