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alarms gone dead!

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Can anyone help with this little problem? I was out of the country for a couple of months and left the c in storage at work. On the day of my return a mate tried to start it for me and the battery and alarm had gone dead, after hooking up some jump leads to the battery the alarm went off briefly until the c started and now it doesn't work at all. I spoke to the stealer and their advice was to bring it in so they could investigate further, :p but it would probably be cheaper just getting a new alarm than paying them. But does anyone have any clues?? cheers in advance.

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you may have to re-program the alarm to recognise the fobs... depends on what the alarm is as to how you do this... :)

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Can anyone help with this little problem? I was out of the country for a couple of months and left the c in storage at work. On the day of my return a mate tried to start it for me and the battery and alarm had gone dead, after hooking up some jump leads to the battery the alarm went off briefly until the c started and now it doesn't work at all. I spoke to the stealer and their advice was to bring it in so they could investigate further, :p but it would probably be cheaper just getting a new alarm than paying them. But does anyone have any clues?? cheers in advance.


Chewy were you somewhere nice and warm? :wink:


Now you have the car running again, try disconnecting and reconnecting the battery lead again. That works wonders in my experience. DOes it for Airbus every time. If that doesn't work, My mate Zak, works where you do and he fits alarms.



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Cheers guys,

I have tried changing the key fob batteries , so I will try the car battery today.

Gavin I was somewhere nice and warm except sometimes it wasn't actually that warm. I will be in touch if it doesn't work to get your mates number.


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