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o deer :( my problem is back :(

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right were do i start :( --- i had loads of probs as somne of you know - ie loss of power sudenly untill the engine was turned of and strait on again - the exaust manifold began to glow red hot :( ... ... ... anyway took her to a friend mechanic after being toed to guilford from steyning ... he fiddled about with the fuel pressure and it stoped loosing power and didnt glow red ennymore :):):) sucsess i thought so i drove around guilford for a bit and all was fine .. drove 10-20 miles home at pace 70-115mph to test her and all was still fine and has been since friday untill just now on sunday eavening (have drivern allot all weekend to with no problems).


just had a loss of power down the same road as the problem started on 3weeks ago (ironic) . . . and the exaust manifold was red hot again - so im guessing its some kind of fuel presure problem - could it be the fuel filter of something floating about blocking the fuel line?

i will take it back to my mate but all your advice is well welcome because you guys seem to know your stuff lol . . thanks :notworthy: :notworthy:

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Please keep it to your other thread as I've already locked a previous duplicate.

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