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Handle repair kits - fitting problems... HELP PLEASE?!?

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have tried fitting the handle repair kit today but the hole in the new part does not line up - no matter how hard i try the edge of the hole in the repair part is barely visible in the existing handle... any ideas? i could post a pic if it would help explain?

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i was going to straight away but damn battery died on cam then it was a nightmare to focus on... still not great - you be able to see the holes that are supposed to line up - the red arrow indicates the edge of the hole through the repair part.

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First thing, you must make sure the spring is held well clear. If the spring is in it's resting position the striker arm will not drop in far enough which will put the hole out of alignment but looking at your photo it looks like you've made some attempt at prising the spring clear, assuming the screw driver in the photo is doing this.


Secondly and probably more likely is the part that actually makes contact with the striker arm should fit into the cutout in the striker arm (arrowed in the photo). You may need to operate the handle slightly to be able to manoeuvre the striker arm into place. Don't forget you need to keep the spring clear when doing this. It's easier if you have a second pair of hands, oh and be careful not to damage the central locking cable.


I've PM'd my number if you get stuck.



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Whitee, I fitted one of Daves repair kits, and are quite fiddly, better with an extra pair of hands. I basically held the handle open witha screwdriver between the handle and lock - tape it into position. Then hold the spring back and manoeuvre the new part into position. It looks as though its out of alignment, but its just a case of getting the handle position correct! Good Luck!

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cheers all - figured out what the problem was - i hadnt started bleeding yet!!!


no matter how hard i tried it wudnt go - i tried opening n closing itpersuading it with a screwdriver for a bit of leverage... so i took it apart and got a drill bit marginally bigger and drilled it out... nice tough steel dave! then popped it back in - catching me left thumbnail that leaked everywhere on shed floor... lol but all sorted now though - think it was just one of those things.


Cheers all and especially dave - recommended piece of kit - feels so much stronger than the shrapnel i found inside the door... rite whats next to go wrong?

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