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Vag Com Fault codes

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Evening all,


I've just got hold of a OBD2 lead to use on my 1995 VR6. I've downloaded the trial version of Vag Com and got the following fault codes:


01259 Fuel Pump Relay (J 17) Short to positive. (would this be caused by the aftermarket immobiliser?)

00540 Knock sensor II (G 66) No Signal (Is this because the engine isn't running?)

00513 Engine Speed Sensor (G68) Impossible signal / No signal (Is this becaue the engine isn't running?)


The car appears to run pefectly so i'm not too worried about theses faults but i'd be interested to understand them.


Also, i'm using the trial version of Vag Com and looking the fault codes up in the Bentley manual. Is the full version far more useful or is the trial version adequate?





'95 Classic Green VR6

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Yes if the engine is not running these to fault code would be present

00540 Knock sensor II (G 66)

00513 Engine Speed Sensor (G68) Impossible signal / No signal

If you start up the engine the fault code should go from a present fault to a non present fault. If you clear the codes they should not reappear again whilst the engine is running. The fuel rump relay fault I am not sure about I would expect a open circuit fault code recorded if the immobiliser was the cause. If the car is running sweet I would not worry to much just clear the code and recheck in a weeks time to see if any of them return


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On my '94 VR the only fault code to be thrown up by vag-com with the engine not running is 00513 Engine speed sensor.

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The knock sensor error shouldn't come up at all as knock detection only commences when the engine is up to temperature and running.

One bank of 3 is permanently retarded now (there's 2 knock sensors), performance will be down. I think G66 is the front one, so check the wiring. Front loom is clipped to front engine mount, white plug.


Rear knock sensor loom clipped to rear engine mount, white plug.


The engine speed sensor comes up because the engine needs it to run and Bosch didn't program the ECU to ignore the error when the engine isn't running. All VR6s code that when switched off.


Pump relay - shouldn't be the immobiliser if installed properly. Short to positive is not a good sign. I would replace it to be on the safe side.

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Thanks for the replies. I'm going to clear the fault codes today and see if the faults reappear whilst the engine is running. Also going to check the wiring going to the knock sensor. I've checked the Bentley manual and indeed G66 is the front sensor. If i don't have any luck i guess the next step is to replace the sensor - any idea how much it is? Think i'm also going to replace the fuel pump relay as well.


I'll let you know how i get on!





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