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Self driving car!!!!

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That or a similar concept has already been discussed in the German AA mag, that I'm subscribed to.


The problem is that although the police and governments may find it attractive, apart from old fart drivers, I for one, hjate to give up yet even more of my already limited freedom in our so-called western ultra-commercial society. I quite like to decide where I steer my Rado to myself, thank you, not some sh*tty microcontroller.



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humm, why can I see a nice little spark generator (making lots of RF interference type noise) becoming a particularly effective weapon of mass distruction if these things take off?!? Wipe out the signals to the processor with noise and watch 'em all crash... :|


Me? I'm of the school of thought that I want more driver training, not more electronics... ;)

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have you seen the way the italians drive? and their lack build quality/reliability is well known, so basically you're going to get a load of self driving cars tear-a*seing around until one of the wheels falls off... i can do that well enough myself!

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