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HT Lead Query

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Hi all, came to change my HT leads, dizzy cap etc. yesterday and upon changing the leads one at a time i got to the third lead from the left and discovered that the lead was running through some weird ring device (see photos) that seemed to have an electrical connection running off to the loom.


Not knowing what it was i decided to change all leads and see if it still ran ok.....which it does, runs fine, fires up perfectly first time etc. So i now have all leads as normal plus the old lead still going thru whatever it is strapped out of the way untill i know what it is.


there is no way the old ht lead can pass through it without cutting the lead, and then how do you get the new lead through, do i even need it as its running fine without it attached.


Its on a 1992 2.0 16v.


Someone please put me out of my misery and tell me what it is.....



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I think it is a pick up for the ECU ETKA calls it an IMPULSE SENDER and I am surprised it runs without it around a connected plug lead.

Now if you get hold of the lead and the end that goes to the cap, try undoing it. I am pretty sure they just unscrew.

That's how it looks on ETKA too.



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Gavin, muchos gracias.


just nipped out to my car, much to the wifes disgust, twisted the end of the lead and lo and behold, off it pops. just pushed the new one thru and away we go. 8)


Cant understand why it worked with out it connected, done about thirty miles today and had no problems at all.






Cheers again. i'll be in touch soon as i need a headlight loom and i've been told your the man.

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I would have thought that it would run without that input but maybe not optimally. On my Vr6 (different I know...,.but) I had a duff Hall sender, which meant the precise timing info wasn't supplied to the ecu, however the ecu reverts to some kind of safe mode and makes its own best guess. It still ran ok but was about 20% down on power.

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Hm.. this doesn't sound good but, on my old 2.0 16v I ran into the same problem.


I changed the HT leads for some cheapie ECP ones and couldn't find a way of either removing the old leads or attaching new ones thanks to this.. so I just got some big wire cutters, hacked through the old HT lead that this was attached too, and never reattached the impulse sender.


Car ran fine for many months afterwards without it, so not entirely sure what it was for. I believe good quality VW OE leads allow you to unscrew or pop off the rubber cap at the end so that you can thread the impulse sender over the lead though.. realistically this is what you should be doing!

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