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stealers man!!

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taking the girlfriend to work this morning in the rain and my clutch cable gave up nightmare, phoned gsf 8.50 great!! but realised that i needed to move the car and no one was around around for a tow so anyway phoned the local stealer and they wanted 32 incl and they had one so sucked it up and walked all the way accross town to get it only to find that they did'nt have the repair kit to go with it :mad: so thought to myself f**k this i'm gonna fix this what ever and walked back with my new cable and walked up too where it broke, low and behold there they were on the side of the road, :D clutch feels great now, it's amazing how much a new cable can make....

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smooooth is the word !!!!


yeah i remember getting qoute for my vr for a new clutch seem to remember it made me nearly choke, gotta say i do like my mk2 to when it comes to the price of repairs :D

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