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Supercharged Junkie

UV paints

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Right got some DDI gauges from zarman which are great only problem is that i can`t really see the needles that well at night so i got some dual 4" ultra violet tubes to fit where the old 3 dash lights used to be, Want to know whats the best paint/vanish to use on the needles to get them to light up with the UV light ?


Any ideas?




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Good question :)

LOL.... Cheers VR6


Got some UV revealing paint from Glowshop which dries almost clear then meant to light up RED under UV light... Trying it on some old white G60 needles, so far its not very bright red, more dull pink :-(


Isn`t there some UV clear coat nail vanish about that would make the Red VR6 needles glow at night?




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Or, goto your local Cop-Shop and ask for a UV pen so you can mark up your goods in case they get nicked. :)

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Andi, tried that and it's pants...


The best I found was tippex... glows up nice and blue/white under UV... 8)

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Been playing with the UV revealing paint and after a couple of coats of the stuff its looking quite good, Still using the old G60 white needles at the mo will do the Red VR6 needles for the actual gauges


This is what it looks like with just the speedo needle painted with 2 coats of UV paint. I think after about 5 coats it will look more RED than pink

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I'm sure the standard red needles glow under UV without you having to paint them...

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I'm sure the standard red needles glow under UV without you having to paint them...


Really? I never thought of trying them


Son of a :bad-words: :mad: :nuts:


Have to try that 2moro




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Yeah, I'm fairly sure they glow at least a bit under UV because there were pages and pages of talk about this when people started talking about doing some cool dials and subsequently when zarman popped up with his. It's a bit of a mision picking through the 4 billion posts to find the reference, but if you have a search something should show up.

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I can confirm that the RED needles DO glow under UV light... 8)

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:lol: Ahh well at least we told him before he spent ages trying to paint needles in UV paint... oh... wait... :)

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:lol: Ahh well at least we told him before he spent ages trying to paint needles in UV paint... oh... wait... :)


Yeah!, cheers guys!


Yep tried the UV lights with the red needles today and they work very well. Shame the new polarising film still hasn`t turned up because i could of done the reversing LCD display at the same time :-(


This is what the needles look like under UV light




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I must say zarman's dials do look good although I'd prefer them with a Corrado script in the middle instead of ddi ;) :lol:

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and you do realise you will be dead easy to spot out and about as you will be the one with the face tan from your dashboard lol :lol:

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