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Crunchy crunch!

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I was going to park my car up in a car park there were quite a few spaces left in there but i wanted to park further down abit there was a woman stopped in the middle and waiting for something, so i moved to the left and stopped waiting for her to pass. All of a sudden a sierra somes reversing out towards me so my beep my horn and he still dont stop and CRUNCH! my Corrado was hit thinking the worse went out to see the damage and to my suprise the damage was quite minimal. The guy was an old pensioner fealt kinda sorry for him as he was shocked but i got his details etc.

So far my door has been busted and now my wheelarch has been hit i think i might go for a respray in the near future.

Would this kind of accident affect my premium at all or my no claims?

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All accidents affect your premiums, but it will not affect your no claims.

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As long as the old guy accepts full responsibility then you shouldn't have anything to worry about. Insurance force you to mention any accidents you have had regardless of blame, but they won't charge you for the fact that someone hit you.


I got shunted in my first car, Peugeot 205, due to someone not paying attention - I have to declare it when I insure my car, but it doesn't put the premium up.

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