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uprated lights!

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Hello there!

Just picked up my very first if not last corrado vr6 last sat. I was thinking abot uprating the lights ,as i here they only have a 9-10v feed.

However when i tested my light with the multi metre at the weekend. I got a reading of about 12-13v! And yes the original wiring plugs etc seem to be untouched. Can someone tell me if they have had the same.Do i need to upright them? Do you know if some corrados dont have this problem?

When i took in for a spin in the dark for the first time.The lights seemed fine, but i am comparing them to my metro that i just dumped !


Let us know !


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Did you unplug the headlights to take your readings? If you did then there will be no load on the system and you WILL get the full battery voltage. Only when the system is under load will the voltage drop.


To get a true reading you need to monitor the voltage with the engine running and the lights connected and on. Check both the dip(yellow)and main beam(white).



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Yeah i did unplug the light and tested it with the engine running . I see what u mean! Ill try with them plugged in ,its just i didnt want to spoil the sealed original wiring plugs etc !


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