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Stan 24v

Pioneer Head Unit

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Ive got a Pioneer DEH-P7400MP head unit in my new C.


All works as advertised, except that none of the buttons illuminate when the lights are on. The display does dim though.


Does anyone know if it has a separate feed for the buttons?


How do you remove a Pioneer head unit?


Cheers :)

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I used to have the same one - superb head unit!


You should have 2 metal 'keys' with the unit, if not Halfords have em on the shelf...


Yeah - there may be an illumination wire... can't really remember tho...

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Stan another job for friday, not cost you even at RAF discount rates....


I have a removal tools kit.



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stanbates, if the the unit dims when the lights are on thats the feed working, however there maybe other settings in the menu

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stanbates, if the the unit dims when the lights are on thats the feed working, however there maybe other settings in the menu


Ive downloaded the manual, but cant find anything. I'll have a play later.


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Dirty f*cking contacts!!!!


Thats all it was. Got some electro cleaner and cleaned the face contacts a couple of times, and voila!!!


Cheers for help guys :-)

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