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1992 VR6 Handles

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Can anyone help....?


Have been a VR6 owner for 4 months now, and understand 110% why everyone loves this car. But... things are starting to go wrong. Door handle on passenger always been a bit sticky and gets stuck out so that you cant close the door. Will open though. Now passenger door handle doesnt work at all, and have to climb in passenger side. Not ideal. Want to get it sorted. Is there a cheap way of doing it (are there parts availible), and should any old mechanic be able to do it?


Also battery thinks about going flat if i dont drive for a few days. It eventually starts after 15 secs or so of thinking about not. I have toad alarm. Could it be that, or is there another light i dont know about that is on...?


Also...what service do i need at 112,000 miles?!


And how ofter should i change the oil?


Basically not very good with cars!


Thanks in advance to the very helpful person who i hope is out there.

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Hi RP.. welcome to the forum.


If I were you i'd check up on the search feature as door handles, service internals, and battery life have all been discussed at great lengths many many times before! :)


In short.. door handles break on the Corrado, and there are a few options with regards to fixing them. And the flat battery thing can be one of a few things..


By the way.. you wouldn't happen to know a Dan Brown would you? He was mentioning that a friend of his was having a problem with the battery going flat on a Corrado after a few days and I wondered if you happen to be the friend he was talking about who has stumbled across the forum? ;)

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Firstly welcome to the forum - it's good to hear about another happy C owner!


your problems all sound familure... C handles are known to break and snap as easily as a kitkat tbh Do a search for more info on this pap design and known cures - you have a few options: fit lockless rear passat handles (requires a bit of modification but nothing too hard), contact Dave 16V on this forum as he makes a repair kit for your existing handle and your last option is to be thankful it's not the one on your drivers door and leave it as it is - how often do you really have to get in from the passenger side ;)


As for your battery... I'd get it checked as these symtoms can be down to the battery being at the end of it's life! If it's not that then check your earth points and maybe have the alarm checked over...


As for 112,000 miles you may need the cam chain replaced but I'm sure some of the VR owners will be able to advise you better...





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