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coolant problems

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hi there my vr6 seems to be losing coolant from the valve on the expansion bottle the temperature reads fine during the journey but after the engine is turned off a sissing can be heard from the expansion bottle.

i have recently changed the bottle as the previous one was old and dirty is it possible that when the garage changed it they put an airlock in the system or has any one got any other ideas many thanks for any help

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Check the O ring on the cap. It will hiss and stuff as it warms up and cools down which is normal. If it spits coolant there is gonna be summat up with it.


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the evidence seems to be coming from the expansion bottle the holes on the side of it anyway as there is a coolant trail from there and drips on the surronding area directly underneath it

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Did you put a new cap on it as well?? If not get one first (Halfords or VAG)...


Also try running up to temp with the cap off to release any air and also check the stat is opening and the rad is getting hot.

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