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Ice White Socks

Storm Front Grille Question

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Have managed to snap a few of the locating tabs off on my Storm front Grille- Just wondering whether these are still available from dealers and how much they are?


Are they the same part numbers as the black ones but just sprayed at the factory? or do they come smoothed/ primed?


Its just the cars going in for a front end respray so may as well sort the grille too (want to keep it original so not really a big fan of the debadged ones that have been going on ebay recently..)





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I bought a replacement grille, but it doesnt have the top 2 slots blocked like the original grille.


The guy at GPC had no idea what I was on about. The grille's have the same part number, so I dunno why some have 2 slots blanked and others dont

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bought a replacement grille, but it doesnt have the top 2 slots blocked like the original grille.


did you colour code it then (I assume you did looking at the sig)- did you have to smooth it or did you just prime & top coat?






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Yeah the bodyshop did it when the car was in for the respray.

He sanded it down, so it feels smooth like the original


I'm assuming the sprayer primed it - he certainly doesnt do jobs by halves! :lol:

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OK cheers- Its the texture of the black ones I was worried about because they look slightly grainy. I'll get the one on ebay and sand down myself- last question- how much from GPC?


Oh and- nice car by the way :wink:



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Yeah it the new grille was grainy when I bought it, but the guy sanded it down :)

Cant remember how much GPC charged me, I'll find out tonight


Liking yours too :wink: :lol:

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