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VR6 frenzy @ Brunters

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Copied this from the CGTI forum.



[We're still looking for a few normally-aspirated VR6-engined cars to join

our group track test at Bruntingthorpe Proving Ground at the end of June.


If you have such a car, or you know of one, then please get in touch by

emailing: mailto:[email protected]


The event will start at 10am and finish no later than 4pm.


Any help greatly appreciated.


Golf+ magazine]



I did the last 16vfrenzy one, set some good times & had a right good laugh & hoon around the circuit thrown in afterwards. (article is in this months Golf+)

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If anyone can get in on this, I seriously suggest you get involved! Bruntingthorpe is a RIGHT laugh and will allow you to learn more about your cars handling and performance than you can ever hope to do on a public road... 8)


Just watch out that you don't drive too close up behind another car at speed as there's quite a few small stones on the tarmac that can get flicked up to damage your paint... ;)

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Can only really mirror Henny's comments here. The Dubforce group thrash was probably one of the best things i've ever been involved in, in the short time i've been involved in the VW scene. I had an absolute blast.. just being able to pull out onto the track whenever you want and take your car round the track as fast as you dare without fear of seeing a white van on the overpass or something makes it so worth while. Don't think i'll ever forget:


* Fast passenger ride (and extreme brake test) with Henny

* Racing down the main 2 mile straight and overtaking Darren in G60 BV's car.. Darrens expression as he was virtually swinging off the steering wheel when I started to get past at about 110MPH was priceless. Didn't help that his charge cooler was all out otherwise I wouldn't have got past him.. well, that was his excuse anyway ;)

* Doing 140MPH and knowing my license was safe!


Seriously - you VR boys need to get onto this asap - its a SUPERB day out!

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Perfect oppurtunity for PhatVR6 to put his R32 engined C through it's paces....or do they not count the 24Vs as 'VR' engines?

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I think we need more forum big midway meet-ups, put some faces to names. At least 2 a year, and a track day!

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I think we need more forum big midway meet-ups, put some faces to names. At least 2 a year, and a track day!


Only problem is that track days are very expensive... £100+ for the day, new tyres, new brakes, and whatever needs replacing when you crash :lol: Although I do agree with having big meet ups... I just try to attend the big shows at the moment

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Joe M, Yup, well worth it! 8)


Shilakadaddy, depends which track and who's set it up.... Curborough is only £30 for as many runs on the track as you can fit in in the day for the Club GTI sprint day... It's not a big track, but it's soooo much fun and lots less risk 'cos there's no-one else on the track at the same time... 8)

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I emailed them straight away, but no reply, yet anyway.


Going back to my meet up point, with 2-3k members on here im suprised I hav'nt heard of any big meet ups. Yo'd think it would be a dodle to get 200 of us in one place for the crack?


Agree its best to fit in with another event to get your monies worth out of the travel, just suprised we dont. Other than a few small groups at the inters? Sorry to go on, im sure this has been discussed umpteen times!

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I reckon Kev should make everyone pick up there scuttle covers from one place, that would do it.........LOL

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