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G60 or 16v?

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Im new and thought id introduce myself. Im from Oxford although study mechanical engineering at Cardiff university for 9 months of the year. Currently own a Suzuki GSXR 600.


Am looking to buy a corrado in around a months time. i have ruled out the VR6 as i am only 21 insurance and running costs will be way too high for my liking. From the research i have done so far i have narrowed down the choice to either a G60 or 1.8 16v as apparantly the 2.0 were slower although better better mid range.


I want to spend around £2000, i wanted to know peoples opinions on which others would buy the G60 or 16v :?:

I would obviously prefer the G60 but i dont want to spend masses on the supercharger and will probably be difficult to find a G60 for that price anyway...wont it? How reliable are the superchargers


Can someone tell me the performance differences between the g60 and 16v? :twisted: Who has first hand experience, seen differing stats online, i know it will vary with the condition of the car but i just want general jist. one of my friend has a mk 2 golf Gti, and another has a civic v-tec. i would like one that can stick with these.


thx in advance :wink:

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the g60 0-60 is about 8 and a bit i think the 16v is around 9.

the g60 engine doesnt need to be rvved as hard, its got more grunt low down (and up top)

im 21 a student and *just about running a g60, the petrol consumption isnt as bad as people think, its more the maintenance!

if you can pick up a half decent g60 for 2k (i did) with only a minor ammount of work to be done engine and body wise, i'd probably go for it.

however the valver would perhaps be better insurance wise if you were going to mod it. my current quote is £600 fully comp, if i was to chip and pulley it (taking it to about 180bhp) i'd be paying double!

so.. its really a matter of getting out and test driving a couple of each then keep your eyes peeled on the forum!



p.s nothing beats the sound of a G60 supercharger roaring at you!

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Thx for that, I havent looked too much into insurance but cheapest i have found so far is 1300 fully comp and 1050 tpf+t that was an online quote with admiral. with no no claims though. I do have 2 years motorcycle no claims and pass plus and been driving 4 years but the the no claims werent accepted online im sure they will be over the phone.


Where did you get quoted £600 from?

Is it able to cruise at around 80-90?

I have the bike when i want to rev the nuts off of something, i dont mind constantly changing gear on that although i wouldnt like it so much on a car, but then again i do want a high end rush..decisions decisions..

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directline. although i hear tesco is good.

dont allow mods with directline though..


its able to cruise all the way up to 140 :D it comfortably sits at about 80-90, you do have to work the gears a bit if your giving it some pain but its not too bad.

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Ease up, fancy seeing you here, its a small world


Nah nothing to do with being 21, needed a car for some while to get to uni and back, fed up with getting bro or parents to give me a lift, and the bike is useless in the winter and not gonna take it back after them thieving scum had a go at nicking it. I was gonna buy a golf, but wanted something a little more original.


I remember you had a rado from one of the pics you posted, im sure it was blue though? was gonna pm you, ask your opinion on them. Whats it like compared to the gixxer? :)

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