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You're Nicked Sonny!

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Tiz true. Saw it on the local news yesterday. They were basically scanning every car (even the police are not allowed to do this) with a laser gun, and writing down any reg's which were speeding. These were then passed to the Bill so they could send you a warning letter. Thankfully, there is no way they could prosecute based on this.


How would they like it if someone followed them round noting any infringements of either criminal or civil law and sending a letter to the police.




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Just read this post.


All I have to say is I feel sad for the people who live here. This country has been flushed down the loo, and is out floating away in the Atlantic now. The 'Great' has finally been lost in Britain. Well done Mr Blair, we all thought Maggie screwed things up, but you've taken it to the next level and beyond.



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Here Here Pacificshack - you got that totally right!


Glad to learn that this so called campaign can't actually result in a conviction but its the principle that I object to- makes me want to make a note of every old biddy's number plate who's ever cut me up/pulled out of a side exit without looking/dawdled and dithered to the point of being a road hazard... but then I don't have that nature to shop people in this way, that the government now seem to be promoting.


Disgusting. :mad:

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Dredgey, gutted for you mate, but at least the ban wasn't longer.


so these posh t**ts in surrey can record your speed but there's no conviction? then shouldn't we see who can get the fastest recorded time? ;)

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Good idea! MODS new sticky i believe. We can all send in scans of the letters we recieve and see who was the fastest. Any ideas for prizes??

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Dredgey, gutted for you mate, but at least the ban wasn't longer.


so these posh t**ts in surrey can record your speed but there's no conviction? then shouldn't we see who can get the fastest recorded time? ;)


Cheers dude, yeah thanfully it wasn't any worse. Interesting to note though that the Magistrates reduced my fine from £300 to £200 as I had pleaded guilty right from the very first correspondence - Honesty seems to be the best policy!


I'll join you in that time trial in a couple of months!! :D

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