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Sitting here at work thinking it's chuffing quiet this morning. Then realised, due to having to clock in, I am at work an hour earlier than normal. :roll: :roll:


Some would consider it a bind, thing is now there's no way my gaffer can press gang me into doing cover at time, it's all on the computer now, licence to print money. :lol:



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Was nearly late for work this morning. Alarm went off at 05:30, thought to myself, 'I'll have 5 more minutes in my bed.' Next thing I know, its 06:05 and I need to leave the flat at 06:15! :)


Quite impressed I made it in on time actually...

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I remember opening up our section in the ATC Tower one Sunday morning back in the good old days at RAF Binbrook and thought it was pretty quiet. Eventually wandered round to the Fire section and discovered it was Easter Sunday LOL

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Heh, must confess to getting up an hour early when the clocks went back, wandered into the mess and couldn't work out why there was cling film all over the food for a few seconds!



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Was nearly late for work this morning. Alarm went off at 05:30, thought to myself, 'I'll have 5 more minutes in my bed.' Next thing I know, its 06:05 and I need to leave the flat at 06:15! :)


Quite impressed I made it in on time actually...


And you managed to make your post here at 6:07, thats pretty impressive. Did you squaddy wash? :-D

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I once kicked off that all the breakfast stuff, cereal and toast had beened cleared away 'early'.


The Sergeant came out to see what all the shouting was about. Then he told me to sit down cos dinner would be out in 5 minutes.


Breakfast finished at 10 and dinner started at 11, course the clocks had gone forward.... Had to have humble pie with me chips and beans :roll: :oops:

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can remember coming home from work one day last year around 5:30pm, got really tired so i nodded off by accident, when i woke up at 9:00pm i was getting ready for work :oops:

dam i hate going to sleep in the daytime

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veeDuB_Rado, yup done that before, finishing at 2pm and starting again at 5am


in the winter it all looks the same!!! lol

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