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killed my golf runabout( and nearly me as well)

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sheeeeeeeiiiiitttt.... :crazyeyes: Glad to hear that you both got out of that relatively unscathed and will mend in a relatively short time... 8)


Hope you both get well soon... 8)

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when my caddy got smashed into on the m6 the copper said the police wont be pressing charges but if i wanted to make a comlaint the woman who hit me would have been sent on a driver re-habilitation course and if she refused it would go to court.


seems like there is something very odd going on in your case, would it be worth taking private legal action against her?

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Christ! I hope you and your wife get better quickly. Something defo fisy about no action being taken against the other driver, I assume she's been breathalised etc etc?

Im very gald you were in a VW!!! Ive been to a rta before with a fiat punto head on with a merc come out mangled, the punto driver (a very err tubby lady) reached down into the passenger footwell to grab her creamcake that she dropped (seriously!! - I couldn't stop smirking) and veered into the other lane. It took us 4hours to free her and 10 of us to carry her on the stretcher into the rescue helicoptor!


Get well soon!!!

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