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BMC/Cold air ind kits - are they really worth it?

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Induction kits are sold mainly for sound mate, so pick whichever sounds nicest to you! If bhp numbers are important... just don't expect to feel the difference!

I beg to differ on this point - as Jim has already said, I run a GruppeM ramcharger and it gave me 9bhp at Stealth. I fitted it because I have previous experience of the gains available and you can most definitely feel the difference with higher power and more mid-range torque - the sound with foot planted is the coolest though and a major reason for my high fuel bills :)

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True enough, can always sell it, sorry I didnt mean it in a bad way when I asked him to "confirm" your statement, you sound kinda cheesed off (by the exclamation mark at the end of your sentence).


Not at all mate, I just couldn't be bothered to click on a smilie :lol:


People are often misinterpreted on forums, it's 90% of the cause of arguments :-P

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How much louder are these BMC kits than the standard airbox (with K&N panel)?


When I got my VR, it had an ITG cone on it which got promptly removed as I didn't like the attention it drew.


Is the BMC more of a muted growl or is it still pretty in-your-face?

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Is the BMC more of a muted growl or is it still pretty in-your-face?


Long time no hear mate, hows it going? Did you get your injectors and idling/hesitation etc sorted?


Nail on the head mate, the BMC emits a muted growl rather than a leaf blower in reverse + roar, kind of noise the K&N emits.


On part throttle there's a rich and soft toned rumble that is loud enough to be heard with the windows down, but not so loud as to draw attention from pedestrians...except from those that appreciate the sound of a nice engine note :wink:


Floor it at 4000, especially with the schrick VGI you've got, then the tone sharpens up and gets louder, a lot louder. But it's not as loud as an open cone and has a harder edge.....


Difficult to describe a sound with words mate, so you're gonna have to buy one and find out :lol:

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Not bad actually.


I'm on the case (with some help from a clued-up mate) on diagnosing the idling/hesitation problems with my newly-ordered VAGCOM.


The injector-related problems cleared up with the recondition which was great - she always starts cleanly now although the revs sometimes flare up to around 2k when the engine catches which I don't like but I think a lot of them do that...


The only other question mark was the low compression on #2 which the garage thought was down to worn piston rings.... Not convinced there's anything wrong with my engine so left this one for now. Car still pulls very well; uses about 1/2 litre of oil (if that) every 3k miles and there's no smoke from the exhaust on the overrun which makes me think that the piston rings can't be in too bad a state after all...


Was sorely tempted by the charger group by but have resisted the urge due to the caning that the missus would give me if she realised the cost!!!


These BMC's sound interesting but at the price, I think I'd want to know for sure so I'll try to go along to the next local meet and see if I can hear one for myself.


Thanks for describing the sound though! If you're giving it the thumbs up that counts for something as I know you're not a fan of the induction cones anymore than I am!

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The jumping up to 2000 revs when fired up first thing in the morning is fuelling related. Check the connections on the blue temp sender and the MAF. If it does this intermittantly, the connections are dodgy. When started from cold, the VR should just flip up to about 1300rpm for a split second then settle on 1000rpm for 30 seconds then gradually fall to 680.


Mine used to jump up to 2000 aswell but I replaced the blue sender and it's been fine since. I *think* this also happens when the ECU is in limp mode as it's increased the fuelling.


Your engine sounds OK and certainly not ready for a rebuild yet. Mine puffs on the odd occasion and uses the same amount of oil as yours, I got Stealth to check it over and they got 199bhp and 190 torque out of it, so there's no way a rebuild is justified just yet.


Yeah the charger is not something you can hide from the missus easily! Thankfully mine doesn't care and just laughs at me when I sink all my hard earned into it, but she drives a Rover 25, so what does she know? LOL!


Yeah I did like the BMC actually but as most of my daily driving is motorway work, I preferred the stock airbox overall.

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The jumping up to 2000 revs when fired up first thing in the morning is fuelling related. Check the connections on the blue temp sender and the MAF. If it does this intermittantly, the connections are dodgy. When started from cold, the VR should just flip up to about 1300rpm for a split second then settle on 1000rpm for 30 seconds then gradually fall to 680.


Mine used to jump up to 2000 aswell but I replaced the blue sender and it's been fine since. I *think* this also happens when the ECU is in limp mode as it's increased the fuelling.


Interesting, thanks for that. I'll check the connections out and see if I can get to the bottom of it.


Cheers :wink:

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