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Does anyone have Genesis Profile 4 Ultra Manual pref as PDF

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Just bought a Genesis Profile 4 Ultra off Egay. But as per egay, nothing came with it! Absolutely ZIP.


Need a manual preferably as a PDF and perhaps even some guidance on setup for a set of Focals on the front and Infinity Perfect 12.1 at the rear!!!!


Also is there anythign else that should have been with it that I need!

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Profile 4 is the same as Profile 4 Ultra in terms of wiring and setup.


I hope you haven't got one of the early Profiles with the dodgy transistors there. Might be worth ringing Genesis to try and get a serial number range of affected models. All current Profiles have had this problem addressed and are more powerful and better sounding than the older ones as Gordon made some more tweaks to them.

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Thanks mate but......


I know the website address, and being the sensible person that I am I looked at the download section along with other areas and you will notice if you look that the Prfile 4 ULTRA does not feature on there - Hence why I asked on here knowing that a few people have them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :scratch:

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This one is only a few months old. I looked at the Prfile 4 one and there are a number of differences hence why a little keen on the proper manual. I'm hoping its not one of the effected ones. It's not that old, few months so we'll see. It's to suit a purpose at the moment and if it is then back on egay it will go when I've finished spending on everything else. As I'm waiting for the toothed pulley kit to arrive and just ordered a Lightened and Balanced Flywheel and paddle clutch, plus the moulded sub enclosure and the amp rack, plus this amp. It's been another expensive month for the Rado.


I really must stop spending but that'll probably never happen

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If it's a few months old you should be OK then mate, I think it was the ones from last year that were slightly iffy. James was talking about it last night actually!


Yeah, I think the Ultras are missing as they're basically higher powered versions of the regular models, but you can always call Genesis and see if they've got any, or James?

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That's what she said last night :lol:


Yeah they're good amps....got to try and mount my series III into one of them amp racks at some point.....which means more wiring....joy :?

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