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Workmates and the things they shouldnt say..

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I've recently bought a VR and a new flat,so it's fair to say that i'm a little short of cash at the moment.Speaking to one of my work colleagues last night,he asked if i was up for a drinking session at the weekend.I told him i couldn't make it-no money etc.(but never once mentioned the rado). This is his reply:"You should never have bought that car anyway,you're just trying to re-live your youth"




As i'm sure you all remember,buying your first C is an amazing feeling.I seriously couldn't think of a car i'd rather have,even if money was no object.It just fits the bill.

..And then some geezer from work just bursts that little bubble i've been been living in for the last few weeks. :x

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hey dont be upset man, In the parts department at the local stealer the oldest man there, his name is charlie hes about 60ish, drives a corrado. Hes owned probably every single VW ever made and a few BMW's in his age, he said to me the other day, This car is so far superior to the others that I have owned, it is the car that I would have buried with me because it drives so well, he has a 92 VR6. Dont even think about the man telling you that you are reliving your youth, you are obviously a driving enthusiast and have chosen an excellent car, like you said "It just fits the bill". keep it real

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:"you're just trying to re-live your youth"


You should have replied: "And thanks to my Rado I'm completely successful in my attempt, and blo*dy loving it, too! How about you? Happy with your life?"



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Relive your youth? Since when was the Corrado ever a youths car anyway?! Its a group 18, 155MPH, back road attack weapon.. not a sodding Nova GSI with a cherrybomb exhaust!!

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Relive your youth? Since when was the Corrado ever a youths car anyway?! Its a group 18, 155MPH, back road attack weapon.. not a sodding Nova GSI with a cherrybomb exhaust!!







sounds a bit "y'know" rude!





IMHO (and it's the only one that counts)


best car you can get for the money - best fun per pound, best looks by far and "that noise" - plus if you need too, you can blast most things into the weeds.


But I repeat - "just look at it!!"


your worth it



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I was trying to be very careful about how I worded that.. yet it was still picked up as being a bit of a dirty innuendo.. sheesh, and I thought I was bad ;)

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I was trying to be very careful about how I worded that.. yet it was still picked up as being a bit of a dirty innuendo.. sheesh, and I thought I was bad ;)


yeah you tried reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaal hard didn'tcha?



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He's probably jealous, though not with out good reason.


Jim, BRAW. Just loved that (in the sense that you meant it).

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He's probably jealous, though not with out good reason.


i completely agree with that

like when the previous owner had it my mates were saying they didnt really like it.

now that ive got it and taken them for a spin etc they LOVE IT!!!

and they keep saying "i bet you love it when everybody looks at your car!" lol

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I don't really like the attention it gets but can understand it feels good, still one of the best cars you can get for the money.

Don't worry about these work losers anyway, I will always be young at heart and thats what matters ay!

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You have a flat and a mean motor that you love.


Work coleagues are just people at work at the end of the day, how much can you value their opinion, and as clarret badger says your own opinion is the only one that counts.


IMO sounds like the coleague is a little bit jealous.

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Thanks for the comments guys.I probably just had one of those days.

One more thing about the work scenario,has anyone else noticed the upsurge in new cars bought by fellow workmates soon after they bought their Corrados?

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I am lucky that in the small bay that I work in most of us are car enthusiasts so everyone appreciates each others cars.


(Well except for the guy with the Focus but he confesses to knowing nothing about cars)

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I am lucky that in the small bay that I work in most of us are car enthusiasts so everyone appreciates each others cars.


(Well except for the guy with the Focus but he confesses to knowing nothing about cars)


Classic lmao

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