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Audi Coupe E

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That 5 cylinder sounds lovely. A mate of mine had one years ago, they did a quattro one without the turbo. 8)

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Ooh, hadn't realised it was a 5-pot.


We went to go look at it the other day and the bodywork was in dire need of a re-spray and it wasn't RWD, so Scruff lost interest :lol:

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They make a lovely gurgling sound. Didnt think Audi did rear wheel drive, thought they were all front or 4? Could be wrong though :?

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My mate in Germany, who some of you have already met (and those joining in to Karmann will meet again) has bought himself an Audi Coupe last winter and is really happy with it. I've driven his Audi this April just gone, true, the sound of those 5 pots is very nice :-)


But we already had this topic around that time of year, i.e. back in April, see here: http://www.the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=22555&lighter=audi+coupe with pictures of what we're talking about ;-)



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