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Who fancies a stand at VWNW@tatton park

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Right a few of us spoke about this a while back. I have now posed the question to the organisers to see whats available and costs.


Who would be up for a Corrado Forum stand at tatton park on suday 10th August?

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tatton park is just off the m56/m6


basically inbetween the 2. J19 on the m6 bout 5 mins from there. Posh side of town, near mere golf club.


costs are standard at same as parking in car park. might as well have a prime spot for your fiver.

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they have space for us if we want.


whos up for it.


I should have my head back and fitted from 16VG60 by then, so I'm well up for it... Should be no problem and I may have something under the bonnet to make me smile as well (Cheers John!) :D


The paintwork sucks at the moment (too many close parking incidents and 200K miles takes it's toll!) but I don't care, I've shown a matt black MKI Golf 16V there before, so as long as you guys don't mind, I wanna be there! 8)

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same here plenty of stone chips. if the car gets driven it'll have chips i say.


all about taking part though init.


any more. 5 would be nice. gonna ask a mate who dunt get access to the web if he'd like to join us and maybe a second who drives a golf but reads the forum quite regular.

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I have got a space and a pass with the CCGB........


When I've had a golf GTI I've always managed to blag my way in to the trade area anyway without a pass.... That way you don't have to pay the entrance to the grounds fee as well as the show fee (which you still pay)


I guess if we've got a stand then it's a bit more legit this time! :lol:

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right. ill book a spot n say for 5 cars.


sure we can get more in if necessary


so far


GazzaG60 (me)




for the first Corrado Forum display

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ive sent a mail to Julieanne for booking as online wouldn't work for me.


I have arranged for space for 6 cars. not sure when passes arrive. we may have to meet prior to show. lets see what happens.


we got 3 spaces left for sure probly manage more if we need.


any takers

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right. ill book a spot n say for 5 cars.


sure we can get more in if necessary


so far


GazzaG60 (me)




for the first Corrado Forum display



make sure you get some nice pics of the event and especially your "Corrado-Forum" display for here GazzaG60

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ill come bac to the thread on monday.


Tis a week sunday the show so not too long to get ready.


i mailed about getting 2 stickers awaiting reply

lets hope it dunt rain

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Reply sent Gazza.


Are you the Paypal payer? Had two Gareths mail me today that's all.


If you're paying by cheque and need the stickers for a week Sunday, then I'll send them off on Monday for you.


Just as a thought, would you perhaps like to sell some stickers on the stand?

I could sell you a bulk at discount and you can keep any profit on whatever mark-up you decide to charge.


And just another thought, has anyone run it past Andi to use the C-Forum name? I'm positive that he'll have absolutely no problem at all, but it might just prove courteous. As I say, only a thought.

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no i need just the two for me. ill paypal it. im the buyer.


sorry andi. thought this was a group thing not owned by anyone. this isn't my stand, its ours. if anyone has a problem with this being organised by me then i will cancel it.

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I shouldn't worry Gazza.. just drop him a PM to let him know.


I am sure he'd be really pleased that people were going to be setting up a Corrado Forum stand at a show, but its definately worth double checking with him as he created this place :)

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im not worried. id wash my hands of it before i worried.


wasn't aware of forum etiquette but if it makes people happy ill follow suit.


i didn't set out to be rude or steal anybodies show only to try n get peeps together.


pm on its way to andi

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Hi mate...


It wasn't really forum ettiquette or anything like that, and I certainly never meant to come across as trying to be rude or anything to you.. that is never either my or anyone elses intention on this forum.


I personally appreciate that you are arranging all this, and its the efforts of forum members like yourself that totally make this place.


We only suggested you just let Andi know is that this is his baby.. but as we said, we are sure he'd be happy that you were doing this!


Sorry for any misunderstanding. I guess the typed word still has a long way to go over a chat :(

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