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In need of a new coat

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Does anyone know of a decent body shop in or around Leeds or even west yorks where i can get a full respray for my Corrado? and also an idea of how much it'd cost.


when i bought the car the drivers door was really rust, too rust to repair but the seller had another door to put on in replacement, which turned out to be darker then the car (he was goign to get it resprayed though, before he sold it). I also got a rear spoiler off of ebay which, apparently, was inca blue too. but that is also darker then the car. Does anyone know if inca blue is a darker blue or a lighter one. Need to decide whether car has bleached in sun over time and that the door and spoiler are actually the real inca blue. The door and spoiler have the same pearlescent purple in different light.


Any ideas... most grateful.



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inca is a bit more grey


aqua pearl blue is prob what you got on the spoiler


look to spend 1-1.5k on a respray

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Does anyone know of a decent body shop in or around Leeds or even west yorks where i can get a full respray for my Corrado? and also an idea of how much it'd cost.


when i bought the car the drivers door was really rust, too rust to repair but the seller had another door to put on in replacement, which turned out to be darker then the car (he was goign to get it resprayed though, before he sold it). I also got a rear spoiler off of ebay which, apparently, was inca blue too. but that is also darker then the car. Does anyone know if inca blue is a darker blue or a lighter one. Need to decide whether car has bleached in sun over time and that the door and spoiler are actually the real inca blue. The door and spoiler have the same pearlescent purple in different light.


Any ideas... most grateful.




Hi Mate,


I'm in Skipton, North Yorkshire and my car has just gone in for a respray today!!


Have you managed to find someone to do the job for you yet? - If not, I can pass you the details and some pics of mine when she's finished....



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where is auto bodyfit jbob? how much??


They are in Cleckheaton. If you come down the M62 from Leeds and come off at Jct 26 take the 2nd exit from the roundabout and follow signs for Cleckheaton. He’s just before the main High street on the Left and there is a big Auto Bodyfit sign. If you email or call Neil say that I gave you his details and he might give you a discount (He did for me 8) )


the money for my respray should clear in the bank next week so Im going to see him with the list that I want doing but he’s told me it’ll be around the 1k mark 8)

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Does anyone know of a decent body shop in or around Leeds or even west yorks where i can get a full respray for my Corrado? and also an idea of how much it'd cost.


when i bought the car the drivers door was really rust, too rust to repair but the seller had another door to put on in replacement, which turned out to be darker then the car (he was goign to get it resprayed though, before he sold it). I also got a rear spoiler off of ebay which, apparently, was inca blue too. but that is also darker then the car. Does anyone know if inca blue is a darker blue or a lighter one. Need to decide whether car has bleached in sun over time and that the door and spoiler are actually the real inca blue. The door and spoiler have the same pearlescent purple in different light.


Any ideas... most grateful.




Or try


NCR BODYCARE - (Contact: AVTAR/ RAVI - 0113 2449135 )




I've read they resprayed the VW mag featured Corrado of the chaps at the local German&Swedish, and are very highly rated. And local to you.

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nope but it was a question asked by myself regarding getting my CORRADO resprayed and i appreciated the response. So id say it was a corrado related post.


END OF......

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Critical_Mass, have a word with DubWhizz over on Dubforce.net... He's just had his car repainted and it's a TOP quality job... they guy who did it is just setting up in business so is doing work cheaper than normal to get his name known around the VW circles to drum up business... 8)

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So there I go, trying to do some helpful moderation and you dont get annoyed by his post.


I think I should have just left well alone.. feel free to repost Walesy.

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" well what did you expect when you come out with stupid comments like that. "


:lol:...how ironic eh jim?

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And whats that suppose to mean wales???? why you being a class A c*nt?????


I was asking Jbob what the address was of a garage and you stick you nose in. Grow up child.

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""whats that suppose to mean wales?"


What the handbags depict is that you seems to be getting very agitated over nothing... :wink:


Like I politely and friendliy explained in my pm to you mate, I really am not sure what your problem is, but whatever it is it would be more mature to explain it to me by pm. You have obviously got a bee in you bonnet about something other than my little comment because to explode into such a tirade of abuse over such a silly little thing would be ridiculous. I mearly made a comment with regard to 'another' new user of the forum that seems intent on kicking up fusses about nothing, in a light hearted manner (( noticed the wink??..that was to let james know i wasn't being nasty... :? ))and that seems to be enough to make you upset, for that i must apologise.. :lol: ...unfortunatlely this is a public forum that i amongst alot of others have contributed for so i will post in whatever thread i want, theres not much you can do about it. For you to tell me to grow up and call me a child seems again, quite ironic.


again, like i said in my pm to you prior to your lovely last post


i hope you manage to find a decent place to get your car painted....and maybe you should lighten up a little.



oh..and as for me being a c*nt, i would have to disagree, a c*nt is a useful thing.

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Im lost :roll: From what ive read on this thread corradowales was having a friendly p*** take of jamescorrado due to the IMO very childish threads that have been on the forum lately (and im not trying to start an argument with anyone !!! ive purposely haven’t posted on those threads for a reason) I think you may have gotten the wrong end of the stick Critical_Mass


Critical_Mass Have you called Neil, Im still waiting for my money to clear before I can get it done. Bloody banks :lol:

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Yeah youre right JBOB, i thought he wales was on about what you had said, which wound me up, BUT he was talking about jamescorrado who posted jsut after. I thought he meant you not him. Ive apologised for it. wales says james normally posts unrelated messages on here.

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