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About Walesy

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  • Birthday 04/16/1979


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  1. Great show, made me wander back on here full of nostalgia, such fantastic cars :D
  2. Unfortunately I've not had chance to test drive one, due to working 7 days a week at the moment and being in Cornwall where we're not exactly spoilt for choice in terms of car dealers, however I'm pretty much decided that I'm not yet in a financial position to afford to be a 911 owner, I got a bit carried away on seeing how cheap they are to buy but the more research I've done about the cost of ownership the more convinced I am that it's not the right time. So yeah, I'm looking at newer cars, the Scirocco being one, and for the first time ever I've even been fancying a Jap car, the Toyota GT86, so will be trying to find one of them for a proper look.
  3. Again I'm quite out of the loop with Rado's so not sure about current values of cars and/or parts but when I was, it was much more worthwhile selling the car as a whole, or taking the pricey bits off and selling them then putting standard bits back on and flogging the car, as said breaking a full car is a lot of hassle!
  4. Very nice indeed, love a black G60! And having had a few G60's and a few 16v's I can definitely confirm that there's very little in it in terms of running costs, in fact I used to get better mpg from the G60's than the valvers!
  5. Walesy


    Lovely looking example, and his wife's looking pretty good for 62 too! ;)
  6. Yeah I don't think he's anything to do with the VR6OC, he does have his own luncheon meats forum though, maybe that's what you're thinking of? Anyway I've managed to get in contact and all seems well with him, no great dramas regarding jacking it in on here, purely that life moves on. I did tell him that some of you were pining after him though which I expect will have made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside, even the Jailor has a heart :D
  7. I did it and it wasn't worth the effort, granted it was about 8-9 years ago so prices for parts have probably risen a bit, but still once you'd factored in all the mess, the time, the scraped knuckles, the selling, the wrapping, the posting etc etc, it worked out a waste of time for the money it brought in, I ended up having a garage full of stuff I just couldn't get rid of so had to scrap anyway, and I seem to remember it was the little things like switches etc that were most sought after.
  8. The the C4s is preferable, that back end, mmmm! :D You're a lucky guy having a 997, fantastic looking cars! I'm still scared though. Being able to buy the thing is one thing, it's having the finances to run one properly that I'm thinking I'm going to struggle with, it won't be a daily so I suppose it wouldn't be the end of the world if something went wrong and I needed to lay it up while I got the money together to fix it, but I'm just not sure that it's sensible to buy a car like this if I'm not 100% sure I can maintain in properly. Even though they're referred to as the 'practical supercar' they're still an expensive car to run and probably beyond my means if I'm being sensible, but you only live once, etc. Gah, around the circle I go! :-/ I've test driven two, and loved every second, I'm going to go and test drive a Rocco TSI and see how I feel, that's the other option for me and I've never sat in one let alone driven one, I can't help feeling they're going to be pretty dull compared to the 911 though! Cheers for the input.
  9. Yeah I realise that the 996 is the ginger child in the Porsche family, being the first water-cooled was never going to go down well and sharing a front end with the Boxster didn't help, but if that means that they're affordable to me then I can live with it, a 911 is a dream car for me which is why I was so blown away to see what sort of prices they're going for. From what I can gather then 3.6 engine still suffers with the IMS failure that is the big problem with the 3.4, that seems to be the downside to them, I've not heard of any problems with the 4wd system or the triptronic gearboxes though.
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