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Conlog help please

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Just bought a VR6 Storm and whilst tinkering under the dash to get at the heater blower (to change the thermo resistor etc.. but that's another story!) I had to disconnect the key fob contact housing for the Conlog alarm. The alarm went off so I went under the bonnet and used the little tiny key to turn the alarm off at it's source.

Everything put back together, reconnected the key fob housing and turned the alarm back on under the bonnet using the tiny key. Alarm goes off, can't switch it off at all using either the key fob or by shoving the master (red LED cover) key fob back in the housing...

So I've turned the alarm off under the bonnet again as this is the only way of stopping it bleating. Full closure works fine but not sure what to do about this alarm...

Any help would be great!


Chris :roll:

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Sure it wasn't the only wires that were disconnected (by accident). Pulling that fob socket plug apart shouldn't have set the alarm off as it's just a 3 or 4 wire, straight wire extension and no circuit is broken or activated.


Check you haven't got one of the siren wires (3 off) dropped off while in there disturbing things.

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