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06 lotus Elise comments?

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Thinking of getting one of these for around £8-9000. I do about a 1 mile drive to work and do about 6,000 miles a year, and dont have kids etc etc so practicality isnt an issue. I know it might not be the best place to ask on VW site but what do people think of them and are there any problems or plus points i should consider?


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one mile drive???? Bike it dude then save on engine wear.


oh yeh and I love em. but you look foolish trying to get in or out and look cool at the same time.

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lol nice. i should bike it but really, never thought of it engine wear wise but i live at the top of a very large hill.... and im very lazy....

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i have to go down it to come back up so the energy i save going down i can use to go back up. Well looks like i will have a corrado for sale in the next 4 weeks if anyone is intrested??

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...but surely if you live on top of a large hill, then that's the easy bit taken care of in the morning. :)


Your engine will hardly have time to begin to warm up before the journey's over. Seriously, bikes are the fastest mode of transport for journeys of less than one mile. How about an electric bicycle?

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alright craig


you won the lottery mate :lol:


seriously after a new motor then mate, i`ll defo be up for spins in your new pose mobile





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