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Corrado Repair Manual (CDRom)

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I've got one and its ok, not always that easy to find what you are looking for :shock: . Its worth having one if you can get one cheap say off Ebay (Haynes do not do a manual for the Corrado), but I would be reluctant to pay the full wack for it.


There are a lot of people on the forum that can always post up the pages from the CD if you have any specific problems.

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i got one,and so far never had to use it :lol: :D


Same as, like to keep it that way :lol:


Bought one at York Raceway weekend before last and now my laptop is in a right old state after stripping the engine apart to do the head! :roll: :lol:


Difficult to navigate and find what you want, but a godsend when you find a pic showing the bolt you didn't know existed that's stopping the thing coming apart! :D

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I spotted a Corrado repair manual on CDROM on Ebay today

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... gory=32094


There are problems. I recently bought one from Ebay and found that if it is the kludged version of the Bentley CD (I suspect yours is), then there are problems with Win 2000 and Win XP. I had all kinds of problems from having to change my PC firewall, to installing a new version of the Java virtual machine, to fiddling with IE6's security parameters. In the end it was a pain in the behind.


The only Bentley versions that are known work are the ones that Bentley sells direct, especially if they know what you are running as and O/S on your PC. If you are luck enough to have access to a recent, upto date working version, thats compatible with your O/S then you are doing well. Its worth it then.


I have heard of original VW garage update versions. However I've never seen one. Anybody shed some light on this alternative?

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I have Bentley running on both my laptop (windows xp) and home pc (windows me). :lol:


Both installations work really well. Only seems to cover VR6 & G60 models though !!


Paid for itself already... 8)

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Bentley Manual is US based so does only cover the G60 and VR6 engines...


I have run it on various OS's ok but there is some sort of problem to do with java and IE6 that I have not got to the bottom of, officially Bentley do not seem to support Win XP and IE6 and on some machines it works fine, others you don't seem to get the contents menu and you have to access pages through the search option, which isnt too bad as you can then navigate though the pages of that section.

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I just got a copy and it runs fine on windows xp pro and doesnt run at all windows xp home.


Runs okay on my laptop - windows XP home edition.


Maybe some of your internet explorer or proxy server settings need adjusting ??

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I havn't use home at all but the prob lays within IE6 (standard with XP) - I recently tried on a clean build of 2000 with IE5 then upgraded to IE6 and lost the front contents, I still cannot find what the problem is, (it won't be to do with proxy settings tho) - I assume its a java problem... and I dont think it matters about the SP level either....?


Craig - just out of interest what are your SP levels of XP and IE? - also I take it you have full admin rights on the xp home pc?? - If it doesnnt actually install it may be to do with anti virus software running.


One thing that you all can try which will work is download the Opera browser (with Java support) and copy the path from IE into opera when the manual is running, this is working fine on my pc

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