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vr6 head

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hi just after a spot of help with my corrado vr6 its smoking badly on the overrun when i lift off. its amusing but also embarassing :wink: ive actually seen other motorists "wafting there arms in front of there noses" but deep down i know it needs attention! it doesnt smoke on start up which is odd for valve stem seals but looking at the head the oil pools lower than the top of the seal so hopefully thats ok. im also aware of the bore wear that vrs suffer (is it on 1 and 6?) has anybody else only noticed oil burning on lift off and what was the cure? hope i dont need a bottom end its only done 120000 :( ive got a spare head off a golf to rebuild if thats the problem, are all vr6 heads interchangeable i thought they were but its a different part number to my corrado head :? many thanks


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Hello mate, not sure on the 2.8/2.9 head diff. I know the inlet man is diff.


Mine doesn't smoke when starting or accelerating most of the time. However, mine also smokes on prolonged over run which i've been told is typical Vr VS seals so chill. Mines on 127k now and still on its original clutch/chains etc.


Oil use is there, but not too bad. It does smoke if dawdled around all week then redlined at the weekend! But only seems to do this once. Overun smoke is allways there on mine though, but only as i say on a prolonged overun down a big hill something.

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hi nick

great i thought it must be the stem seals! i was sending the head off to be polished and ported and when i asked the guy to fit new guides he asked why,i told him and he told me it was bore wear as it doesnt smoke in the morning on start up!

got another question...... is it possible to change the stem seals with the head in situ with the piston at top dead (obviously) or do the valves drop down too much just to save me taking the head off! yes i know its a quick fix but it will confirm it is the valve giude and seals before i commit to a ported head as i dont want to spend my money on an expensive headwork job only to find out i need a rebore/piston job.



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the heads are the same,as far as i know all thats different is the corrado cams and inlet manifolds compared to the golf head

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