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Tiff Needell / Top Gear G60 vid - see P9 for download :!:

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think theres some money to be made out of this..............contribution to the forum that is £1 each not alot to ask but i'm sure we'd all pay to see it



that should stop all the questions :lol:


wasn't to far out with my suggestion 8) maybe with whats left from the flowers could go to the forum?after all if it wasn't here none of us would be seeing the vid,never mind even knowing about it!


Well as it was me that remembered the video existed and started this thread all contributions to the Mr.Ots fund would be greatly appreciated.


Only joking guys :lol:


You must get enough sales at this time of year anyway!

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think theres some money to be made out of this..............contribution to the forum that is £1 each not alot to ask but i'm sure we'd all pay to see it



that should stop all the questions :lol:


wasn't to far out with my suggestion 8) maybe with whats left from the flowers could go to the forum?after all if it wasn't here none of us would be seeing the vid,never mind even knowing about it!


Well as it was me that remembered the video existed and started this thread all contributions to the Mr.Ots fund would be greatly appreciated.


Only joking guys :lol:


You must get enough sales at this time of year anyway!


:cowboy: How did you work out that was me? :lol:

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Ok folks.. sorry this is taking so long, but should hopefully be sorted over the next few days. I volunteered to encode the tape for Sam but I don't actually own a VCR any more.. I thought it was a legacy piece of kit and I chucked it out long ago (much like tape players and floppy drives) but then a video tape comes along and you're stumped!


Borrowing a VCR this evening and slapping Adobe Premiere on my home PC and should hopefully have something sorted by the end of the weekend!


Thanks for being (mostly) patient - and Sam, i'll wrap the tape in bubble wrap and post it back to you when i'm done!

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Ok.. captured..


Few caveats. I have an AMD Athlon and the latest version of Premiere Elements doesn't support them as they don't have SSE2 extensions - what a crock. So I just had to get as close as I could with a manual START / STOP on the recording - no fancy fade ins and outs.


I haven't capped the entire show - sorry - just the Corrado content. Who wants to learn about Vauxhall Cavaliers of the era anyway ;)


Recording is pretty crummy quality (hey, it is from 1988) but its more than watchable! I'll be discussing hosting it with Sam and hopefully Andi soon. Download is 22MB and is in DivX format!

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The thanks really need to go to my friend at the BBC that managed to source it for us!!!!


Still no-one has contributed to buying some flowers for her as asked on page 7!!


Come on People - you wouldn't ever see this if not for her!

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It was nice to see it again after all these years, great work on finding it Blue_Joe, please give a big thanks to your friend.


£2 sent.

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Nice one guys to those who sent the donations.. its a pleasure to at least have a part in bringing this to you all when the reaction is so favourable!


This truely is a superb community.

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Wow, that was bloody good.

A big thanks to all those involved in getting this video to us, thank you very very much.

£2 sent through Paypal.


This truely is a superb community.

Couldn't agree more Jim.

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Just watched.



But-a G60 with a 6,200rpm limiter and it does 140mph!? :scratch: :confused4:

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What is a bit stange is I put the reg into the RAC website earlier to see if the car was still on the road and it comes up as a 1989 Ford Fiesta Popular Plus... lol


I guess as a pre-production car it was destroyed!

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