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Ok! Saxo's in the Autotrader!

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Got her airborne 2 days ago, I was impressed :)


It's those Forum Stickers - not only do they give you an extra 50 BHP, they also give you aerofoil properties ... :D

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Chris... well the problem is if I do sell the Saxo, then I wont be going to the CCGB day! I only just realised this after putting the ad up on their website. My folks are away on holiday for two weeks in a week or so's time, so i'll have no other car to borrow nor will I have transport to get myself out and looking for a Corrado in time.


I'd love to convince my Clio 172 owning mate go with me if I do manage to sell my car but I doubt he'd be interested.. i'll let you all know nearer the day whats going on though.

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