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Some more new pics.

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Well, got a few more of it today, as the weather was ok, and I'd used some decent grade a car polish the other day so it's still shiny! Unfortunately no cows, or other assorted wildlife this time (but I AM working on that one!), just some nice scenery!


Hope you like the pics, please leave comments - good or bad.

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Some very cool pics mate 8) Im not a big fan of red C's but yours looks cool 8)


I knew I recognized the back ground in the second pic :D A friend of mine (Who i haven’t seen in a few years :oops:) lives not far from you in Fremmington (im not sure if that’s how you spell it :lol: ) There’s a really nice fish and chip shop along that row of shops inst there :roll: :lol:

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Theres a few chip shops in Bideford yeah, but there is one along that row of shops.


I actually went through Fremington that day a couple of times, its not far from me.

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