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Parcel Shelf Help

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Hi All


Fitting some 6X9's and want to use another parcel shelf and not my own, anyone got one?


Failing that, can anyone suggest any direct replacement speakers for the rear?


thanks all

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I might be too late on this, but if you want a parcel shelf to put 6x9s in, why not build a stealth shelf.

what you need is 2 sheets of 2'x4' -18mm mdf, some screws, carpet, a jigsaw and a bit of elbow grease.

I just made one last week, and it looks great (if i may say so myself!), and the best thing is that the thieving pikeys can't tell you've got speakers in there.

if you're interested, i can take some pictures and tell you more.

That said, that one that ZippyVR6 listed above is pretty good value if you're not keen on DIY.



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No probs, I'll get some pictures tomorrow. the idea is to draw round the original shelf onto a bit of mdf, then cut it out, take some measurements for where you want to put the dips in the shelf, cut 2 holes out there too.

I used a router to round off all the edges for a nicer look, if you're keen, they start at £30 odd from B&Q, but otherwise just get some sandpaper and sand the edges off the top of the surfaces (not the bottom).

then cut another piece of mdf smaller to go underneath. you could just have one flat bit if you wanted, but it'd need a bit of wood underneath to give it more strength, although it's not much more work to make it contoured, and looks so much nicer.

At this stage, i got some black paint and painted both bits, (though don't worry too much about how the top looks, it'll be covered in carpet). this helps seal the mdf and makes it look good when you open the boot.

Attach the 2 parts together with screws, then mark up some 6x9 shaped holes on the smaller bottom part.

take it apart again and cut the holes for the speakers.

Then get some appropriate carpet from somewhere like halfrauds. (they usually do 2 different thicknesses, i always use the thinner one coz i think it looks more like the original, though get whatever type you prefer) while your there, get some spray glue too.


Next, cut the carpet to cover the large top part, make it about 4-6" bigger than the shelf(so about 2-3" each side) so it overlaps to be stuck underneath. try and leave a big enough piece to cover the bottom part too.

Spray glue on the carpet and the wood, and it helps if someone can hold the carpet tight for you, but it's alright on your own too. stick them together, cut the corners carefully so they're nice and flat underneath, but still attached where you can see them. the hardest part is cutting out the holes for the dips, you have to cut from the middle and stretch the carpet into the corners of the holes you've cut, and trim it so it overlaps about 2" underneath.

then cover the bottom part of the shelf. make sure that's really, really tight. the idea is that the carpet goes over the 6x9 holes, so you can't see them, so make sure it doesn't flop into the holes. try to avoid putting spray glue on the part that covers the speakers, as it might affect the sound.


Put the lot together. the next step is making it sit in the peg holes in the car. Use whatever you can find that works best for this, I used a couple of large nails and some corner brackets bent to fit, which may sound like a bodge, but it works nicely, and doesn't look that bad.

Then if you want to, you can get some black string (shoe laces work well), and carefully drill a couple of holes on either side, tie it up underneath and attach it to the bits on the boot lid that pull the shelf up when its open.

And your done.


It might sound like a bit of work, but it doesn't take that long and is really easy. a mate of mine once bought a shop one for £90, and it is exactly the same technique (exept the nails and brackets!) a few pointers:

When you're cutting, always make it slightly too large, and keep checking the size with the car. it should be very snug, but remember the carpet will add a couple of mm to the size.

Make sure you wear some old clothes when glueing, and maybe do it outside. it can get messy.

If you've got a subwoofer in there, consider building little boxes around the back of the speakers, pressure from a sub can really do horrible things to shelf speakers.

Hope you understand all that, i'll get the pics tomorrow to help, and i'll measure the distances for the holes too, that should make things easier.


PS. Sorry, didn't realise this was that long! don't be put off by that!

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Ok, here are the pictures:

Sorry, haven't got time to do a diagram at the moment for measurements. I'll do that later.

Also, please excuse the dust everywhere, i'm in the middle of building a sub box.

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