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Cheap Fuel

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I was in southampton last weekend and i could get optimax for 96p a litre

anyone know of any place where you can get it cheaper?

in north devon it is 102p per litre

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I went to the petrol station today and nearly crashed the car when I saw Optimax at 93.9p :shock:

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Dunno whats going on cause it sure aint that cheap in Coventry.. prices are about as high as they were again during the 'fuel crisis' at all the major petrol stations but thankfully my trusty Sainsburys diesel is only 93.9p/litre still!

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You want to try the Shell garage near fairford on the way to lechalde wendy - its 89.9p a litre for the normal stuff.

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Its down to supplies,

2nd last lot was 96.9,then next lot to buy was 104 !


So waiting until they get next load in hopfully it will have dropped.


anyone tried BP ultimate ?

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