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Midlands meet in Osnabr

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Ahhh, the word from Germany is that the alternative to the forecast miserable weather during the Midlands Meet is a meet in Osnabrück (don't know what the weather will be like in Os) with Schwebe (ex chief design engineer Karmann, responsible for the Rocco, the Rado and the legendary Ghia), Breford (yes, the guy who's selling the 176th of the first 400 hand-built Rados from the 0-series), and Wasilewski (ex head experimental labs at Karmann) attending :shock:


Well, I'd suggest, we all hop onto a plane, and get across :lol:



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I think that might be a bit of an expensive one.. especially for the sake of a few hours!

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Well, the meet apparently was a big success in Osnabrück, or so I'm told by the organiser himself, Martin.


Amidst nice warm, sunny autumn weather a convoy of 15 Roccos went through the beautiful country side of Osnabrück. tyhe drivers/owners/attendees then listened to a Talkshow-style entertainment session given by Karmann's Schwebe, Wasilewski and Breford:


Wasilewski: "We did want to do the plastic bits properly, but Willi (Schwebe) didn't want that!"


Schwebe: "I'd rather talk about women! And cars." He then mentioned how much bodge-work goes on at Ford and Alfa Romeo, where identical parts sometimes have tolerances of up to 15 mm!!


After having talked about his experiences with Brasilian women during his time for Karmann in Brasil (yes, they do have a factory in Brasil as well), he then left with the parting shot: "If I hadn't remarried at 65, I wouldn't now have to leave!" :lol:


They're possibly looking at repeating the thing again, a so-called pre-Karmann-meet party in the spring of 2006 :lol: Might fly across, stay a few days at my parents etc., as flights can be a lot cheaper than ferries these days :roll:



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